Turner Sanitation

Turner Sanitation Services Become Much in Demand Coming Out of COVID-19

(LAKE ORION, Mich.) — NEWS: As Michigan envisions a day soon when coming out of the COVID-19 crisis means seeking normal in a climate that is anything but, there will be a number of services and businesses in very high demand. But the crisis has thrust to the forefront some companies, like Turner Sanitation, whose role in our communities have been enhanced by the needs we’ll have in Michigan’s new normal.

“Sanitation is going to be a very big thing coming out of this. I think this state is going to be asking not only how are we going to stay clean but will allow us to come up with new protocols,” said Turner Sanitation owner and entrepreneur Darin Gross, who purchased the family-owned company in January. “What we offer now is EPA environmentally-and solutions on a very high level.”

Two of the demands coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic has already meant Turner Sanitation is trying to fast track new hand washing stations, because the entirety of Turner’s inventory has been rented by Amazon in Shelby Township.

Another of Turner’s offerings, septic services, are already seeing a large increase in home visits after months of families being home together during the state’s stay-at-home order. The company has made numerous emergency service visits to fix potentially limit-pushing home septic tanks, which were not built for the amount of use they’ve seen.

The company’s best-known offering, portable restrooms, is also expected to see increased demand because of Turner Sanitation’s dedication to their cleanliness.

“I heard a lot of companies don’t clean enough. That’s certainly not our issue,” said Gross. “I can definitely see, however, an increase in how many times per week we will be replenishing hand washing liquid and cleaning the facilities, probably two or three times more than we have in the past.” As for reluctance by some to use portable facilities post-COVID-19, Gross says when it comes to locations Turner places its restrooms, people don’t really have a choice such at places like outdoor events, festivals and recreational parks.

“We’re a company with a great reputation and have employees who have been here for more than 20 years,” said Gross. “I’m very proud to have the quality of people here at Turner and am confident we will continue to provide the high-quality services needed by our community.”

Learn more: https://turnersanitationlo.com/

Darin Gross
Turner Sanitation

Related link: https://turnersanitationlo.com/

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