PORTERSVILLE, Pa. — Concerned Americans want to be sure they’re buying casual furniture that won’t harm the environment, say the folks at Adams Mfg. Corp. There are a lot of choices. Casual furniture is made out of steel, wrought iron, wood, and resin. Metal furniture is very hard on the environment. Ore has to be mined, refined, and smelted. Then, it has to be formed, polished, and usually painted. Each step in the process requires energy in transportation and processing. Additionally, airborne pollutants are produced every step of the way. Even more pollutants are produced when it has to be sanded, primed, and re-painted every couple of years.

Those who like wooden furniture, like the classic Adirondack Chair, encourage the use of wood because it’s a renewable material, preferably from well-managed plantations. But, wooden furniture is rarely “stackable,” so shipping it generates a lot of energy use and wastage. And, like metal furniture, wood furniture also puts pollutants into the air because it has to be sanded, primed, and painted frequently.

Resin furniture is made out of petroleum products. But, unlike the other kinds of furniture, it’s easiest to recycle. Recyclers just run old resin furniture through a shredder, and the resin is ready to be used, over and over again. Since the color goes clear through resin furniture, it doesn’t have to be re-painted, which makes it much easier to recycle.

So, when thinking about outdoor furniture, stacking resin furniture has more advantages than its lower costs. It is 100-percent recyclable.

Established in 1981, Adams Mfg. takes pride in providing high-quality, safe consumer products Made in the USA. In addition to casual furniture, Adams also manufactures Christmas decorating accessories, suction cups, and magnets. The company holds exclusive patents on many of its items.

For more information, please visit http://www.adamsmfg.com.

Send2Press(R) is the originating wire service for this story, Copr. 2009.

[tags]resin furniture, Adams Manufacturing Company, Corp, classic Adirondack Chair[/tags]