Robert RosenbergMOUNTAIN LAKES, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ — Despite a sluggish economy and little or no hiring in many industries, the US telecommunications industry revenue prospects appear bright with total spending by all US businesses on telecommunications services forecasted to exhibit double-digit growth over the next five years, says a new market research report from Insight Research. Insight estimates that all US businesses spent $146 billion for telecommunications services at the end of 2010 and spending on wired and cellular calling will grow to $269 billion by the close of 2015, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13 percent over the forecast period.

Insight’s newly released market analysis report, “Telecom Services in Vertical Markets, 2010-2015” found that business spending for cellular and other wireless services is creating all of the growth. While all US business spending for wireline services is essentially flat over the five year forecast horizon, wireless expenditures are expected to grow at a compounded rate of 23.5 percent over the period of 2010-2015.

The biggest spenders on cellular services will come from four market segments: construction; financial, insurance, and real estate; professional business services; and transportation. The study analyzes 14 vertical industries categorized by the NAICS, and focuses on corporate spending for wireline and wireless telecommunications services in each of the 14 industries.

“The year 2010 – like 2009 – was all about a shaky economy, unemployment hovering at 10 percent, and retrenchment in every industry sector we examined,” says Robert Rosenberg, President of Insight.

“With no new business formations and fewer employees in existing businesses, growth in demand for telecom services is coming from wireless, because wireless services tend to make existing employees more productive and gives businesses new ways to reach potential customers,” Rosenberg concludes.

An excerpt of this market research report, table of contents, and ordering information are available online at .

This 116-page report is available immediately for $3,995 (hard copy). Electronic (PDF) reports can be ordered online.

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