CINCINNATI, Ohio — With the rising costs of marketing and advertising, the local business sector is turning toward direct-to-door marketing and finding impressive results, says Christopher Seminatore, CEO of DoorHangerWorks. Business owners are employing door hangers to help get the word out about their specials and sales, and finding they are less expensive and more effective than traditional marketing/advertising venues.

Door hangers are a medium once thought to be limited to delivery restaurants, but with everything from insurance companies to furniture stores utilizing door hangers, this marketing niche has seen substantial increases.

Direct mail gets lost in the shuffle and it’s expensive. Think about what you do with your direct mail. People scan through their mail to see if there is anything important, then it usually gets tossed out. The Internet is a very complex forum to market on and is not much help for localized campaigns. Usually, radio and television are beyond the budgets of small business.

“Door hangers are put right on the front door of potential customers. They have to look at it, and isn’t that what marketing is supposed to accomplish?” asks Seminatore.

“Additionally, a door hanger campaign will cost about half of what a direct mail campaign will cost and the results are phenomenal. This is a smart marketing technique that gets results and that’s what small business owners are looking for.”

A small business owner should only employ a professional door hanger distribution service. If the work is farmed out to other groups, they run the risk of having their marketing materials not being delivered properly or thrown away. Always look for a door hanger distributor that has a stable company. Web presence, years in operation, and client referrals are all good methods to screen a door hanger distributor in your area.

DoorHangerWorks is the leader in local door hanger distribution campaigns with offices in both Los Angeles and Cincinnati.

For company information, please refer to the website or contact Christopher Seminatore at (866) 590-DOOR (3667).

[tags]Christopher Seminatore, DoorHangerWorks, Ohio advertising services[/tags]