Extreme Endeavors CEO Michael Masterman

(PHILIPPI, W.Va.) — NEWS: Michael Masterman, the founder of West Virginia-based technology company Extreme Endeavors, who spent 28 months isolated in Antarctica as the South Pole’s American research station manager, is today offering a blog series of tips on how to preserve health, sanity and spirituality during today’s coronavirus social distancing mandates.

Masterman’s regularly updated blog entries may be found online at http://www.extreme-endeavors.com/blogsmedia/

Masterman has 28 months “ice time” in isolation in Antarctica, including two winters at the South Pole. His blog shares strategies and suggestions he learned during his time in the remoteness of the Antarctic, where he and a few other scientists were isolated thousands of miles away from others for months on end.

“Because of my time at the South Pole, I probably understand living in isolation and distancing oneself from the population better than anyone,” Masterman said. “My blog posts are simply lessons learns from my Antarctica experience, most of which are remarkably transferrable to the situation much of the world’s population finds itself in today.”

His first blog entry, for example, discussed the basic need for human purpose. With so many people suddenly displaced from jobs and routine, there is a need – and an opportunity – to refocus on aspects of life that are personally enriching.

Masterman’s blogs offer myriad suggestions on topics like mood management, indoor exercise, dealing with others in close quarters, sleep deprivation, apprehension and worry, and the importance of faith.

“While this era of COVID-19 is a trying time for people across America and the world, it is not without precedent for some of us. My goal for the blog posts is to let others know the secrets to surviving and prospering during this unique time of worldwide quarantine,” Masterman said.

About Extreme Endeavors:

Extreme Endeavors began two decades ago in Antarctica on an ice plateau thousands of miles removed from the nearest human dwelling. Today, the company serves its neighbors in West Virginia by providing innovative answers to humanity’s biggest challenges. Extreme Endeavors designs and deploys original solutions, while providing results beyond expectations. For more information on Extreme Endeavors, visit http://www.extreme-endeavors.com/

Related link: http://www.extreme-endeavors.com/

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