Omni Publishing is proud to announce the publication of the novel, ‘Necessary Assets’ (ISBN: 978-1490997469) by James Ring of Boston. This riveting work of fiction begins with an unusual alliance between a modernized Sicilian Mafia and retired FBI agent Mark Patrick.

eNewsChannels: Kindle editionsBOSTON, Mass. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: Omni Publishing is proud to announce the publication of the novel, ‘Necessary Assets’ (ISBN: 978-1490997469) by James Ring of Boston. This riveting work of fiction begins with an unusual alliance between a modernized Sicilian Mafia and retired FBI agent Mark Patrick.

In the book, the Mafia, in an effort to prevent an al-Qaeda terrorist attack on U.S. soil, offers to anonymously furnish information to the FBI, but only through Patrick.

Desperate to convince their fundamentalist donors to return to the fold, al-Qaeda has authorized “The Engineer” to operate off the AQ grid leading two cells of radicalized U.S. citizens to attack the nation’s economic hub, Manhattan, and its freedom hub, Boston. They are willing to unsheathe an evil not yet dared, transforming both cities into dead zones where no one can commute to work.

Ring’s extensive FBI background allows him to tell a very realistic tale, where the agents are not super heroes, the Mafia is not all powerful, and the international terrorists are presented as they are – a very dangerous and constant threat to America.

The reader travels with the action to Naples, Palermo, Tunis, Sana’a in Yemen and eventually to Manhattan and Boston. However, this novel remains throughout a story about neighborhoods, where residents watch out for each other.

Visit for more information on “Necessary Assets” and author James Ring, and to contact James Ring directly.

Title: “Necessary Assets”
Author: James A. Ring
Price: $15.95 Trade Paperback (Amazon)
Price: $3.99 eBook / Kindle editions
Published by Omni Publishing Company.
ISBN-10: 1490997466
ISBN-13: 978-1490997469; Paperback: 436 pages.

More information on Omni Publishing: .

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