PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — Cover Me Blue has partnered with The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to create a new line of baby wipes cases, designed by a 7 year old patient at the hospital. All proceeds of the sale of this collection will be donated to the Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit at CHOP. “Involving the children in this fundraiser was an essential part of the process,” explains Cover Me Blue owner, Julie Martin. “The product line not only benefits CHOP patients, it was actually created by CHOP patients.” After receiving various art projects from several patients at the hospital, the “HOPE Heart,” created by a 7 year old patient named Morgan, was selected.

Cover Me Blue HOPEThis entire collection is “designed by children – to benefit children.” All proceeds of the sale of the “HOPE Heart” baby wipes cases will be donated to the Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit at CHOP.

The Garbose Family Special Delivery Unit is the world’s first maternity unit devoted exclusively to the prenatal care and delivery of babies diagnosed with known birth defects in utero. Unique to this facility is that the unit cares for both mom and baby in the same place. The family is kept together in the moments before and after birth, allowing them to bond and creating the ideal delivery experience.

In 2005 Cover Me Blue took the standard plastic baby wipes case and transformed it into a trendy, chic accessory for all fashionable moms. These custom embroidered, fabric covered wipes cases are an essential accessory to any diaper bag, stroller, or changing table.

Cover Me Blue specializes in hand-made unique personalized baby gifts, including photo albums, baby wipes cases, changing pads, burp cloths, monogrammed towels and more. Their products can be purchased online at, as well as in specialty boutiques across the country.