Bed bugs can be a devastating experience for families and homeowners. For landlords, property owners and managers, not being proactive enough when it comes to tackling bed bugs in their properties can result in dire financial and emotional distress. That’s why Bed Bug Finders LLC says being proactive is the best thing to do.

Bed Bug Finders LLC

(STRATFORD, Conn.) — NEWS: Bed bugs can be a devastating experience for families and homeowners. For landlords, property owners and managers, not being proactive enough when it comes to tackling bed bugs in their properties can result in dire financial and emotional distress. That’s why Bed Bug Finders LLC says being proactive is the best thing to do.

Mike Morin, co-owner of Bed Bug Finders, LLC, advises that you need to face problems head on. For example, if landlords get complaints, they need to address the issue right away.

“In the long run, failure to do so can complicate things in many ways including lawsuits and breach of contract,” he says. “And, as a landlord, don’t wait for a reported case of bed bugs before doing something about it.”

Here’s a point in case. This past April, a California family won a $1.6 million settlement after their son was “marked for life” by bed bugs.

According to the New York Daily News, Lilliana Martinez, the boy’s mother, stated that the infestation – which left her son permanently scarred – started back in 2012, after the family had been living in their home for two years. Martinez said she reported the bed bug issue to her management company, which instructed her to throw their furniture away, including the baby’s crib.

It was reported that the family sued the property owner for breach of warranty of habitability, negligence, breach of contract, emotional distress as well as other charges.

“We can learn an important lesson from this case,” Morin says.

Being proactive can help landlords and property owners in many ways that include:
* Saving money: The cost of treating a property already infested is quite high. However, neglecting or not addressing the issue will only make matters worse, especially if a tenant takes a case to court. If the person wins and is awarded compensation and possible punitive damages, costs can be overwhelming.
* Avoiding unnecessary litigation and court summons: When curbing the spread of bed bugs, the possibility of litigation drops considerably. Cases of negligence and carelessness can be avoided.
* Safety: The health of occupants is paramount. Work to provide a conducive and pest-free environment.

So, how can property owners be proactive enough to avert or prevent a bed bug infested property? Here are four tips:
* Communicate: Make it a point of duty to talk to residents about how to prevent bed bugs from entering the building.
* Create awareness: Awareness in the form of sensitization, posters and handbills given to occupants makes them more aware of the dangers of bed bugs and how they can help in prevention, and if necessary, perform preparation before the eradication process.
* Provide encouragement: Residents should be encouraged to come forward and immediately report any problems with bed bugs, or suspected infestations. When they do, handle the situation quickly and have information on how to identify bed bugs readily available to your residents.
* Contact a bed bug verification company: As the owner of a house, apartment or building, it’s vital to employ the verification services of a professional bed bug detection and inspection company to carry out routine checks. If bed bugs are detected, the verification company can help resolve the problem by referring a specialist they know to remove the infestation for good. Make sure to contact a certified bed bug detection company with the required license and certificate. They must have a proven track record with positive reviews.

Residents and property owners need to work together. For instance, residents can help maintain a bed bug free environment by immediately reporting any infestation; and avoid the purchase of used furniture, beddings or upholstered items, or at least not bringing them into the home until an expert can scrutinize them for signs of bed bugs.

During travel, it’s also important to avoid picking up bed bugs from hotels or hostels. Some of these bed bugs can picked up on the way and transferred to the house.

Covering mattresses and box springs with a bed bug approved mattress and box spring encasements can also help. These items can prevent pests from getting into them. And, carrying out periodic checks on bedding and other places in the home can help.

Finally, make sure to regularly clean and launder clothes and other linens, organize the room, vacuum often and remove clutter.

To learn more about bed bug detection services, visit:

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