Political Internet ‘Revolutionaries’ Endorse ElectionMall Product

WASHINGTON, D.C. — ElectionMall Technologies, Inc. (www.electionmall.com), a nonpartisan worldwide provider of technology solutions to political campaigns, released today a testimonial by Joe Trippi praising ElectionMall’s suite of technology tools for federal, state, and local races, and also announced that Dr. Michael Cornfield has been named Vice President of Public Affairs.

“Online campaigning has been expanding in reach and importance in democracies around the world,” said ElectionMall CEO and founder Ravi Singh. “We’re fortunate to work with two experienced visionaries in the field to help guide our company meet the spiraling demand for web tools that enable campaigns to raise money, organize supporters, communicate in public, and win votes.”

Trippi, who was the campaign manager for Howard Dean’s 2003-2004 presidential campaign, was described on the cover of The New Republic as the man who “reinvented campaigning” through his use of online technology to solicit donations and organize a grassroots movement.

Trippi had this to say about ElectionMall’s suite of campaign tools: “This online political world is still young and the Internet revolution needs great tools that are affordable to all political campaigns,” said Trippi. “ElectionMall’s wide range of tools are efficient, off-the-shelf, packages that allow campaigns to empower voters to take action.”

Dr. Cornfield, an Adjunct Professor at the George Washington’s Graduate School of Political Management, is the author of two books about campaigning on the internet: “Politics Moves Online: Campaigning” (ISBN-10: 0870784803, ISBN-13: 978-0870784804, paperback, 2004) and “The Civic Web: Online Politics and Democratic Values” (ISBN-10: 0742501949, ISBN-13: 978-0742501942, paperback, 2002) which was co-edited with David M. Anderson.

Dr. Cornfield, who is interviewed frequently about online politics by the press and speaks throughout the world at universities and professional conventions on politics and the Internet also writes a monthly column for Campaigns and Elections magazine, and was a senior research consultant to the Pew Internet & American Life Project during the 2004 election.

“I’m excited at the opportunity to contribute to the next chapters in the ElectionMall.com story,” said Dr. Cornfield. “This is a company that develops affordable, easy-to-use, strategy-savvy information technology applications so that everyone with a passion for politics can improve their game.”

Dr. Cornfield’s responsibilities with ElectionMall include product development, sales and marketing activities.

Joe Trippi’s testimonial video on ElectionMall’s suite of technology tools and Dr. Cornfield’s latest articles may be viewed at www.electionmall.com.

About ElectionMall(TM) Technologies, Inc.
ElectionMall Technologies, Inc, established in 1999, is a world leader in developing and delivering Internet-based non-partisan campaign technology. The company leverages proprietary information technology applications to provide affordable tools and services to campaigns to achieve effective gains in organization, awareness, funds, and votes. ElectionMall Technologies, Inc. brings a unique “one-stop-shop” approach to its clients, who range from presidential races to school board elections.

ElectionMall Technologies, Inc. has more than 63 international patents and has qualified as the only “registering authority” (RA) for digital certificates for elections world wide. ElectionMall Technologies, Inc. is a member of the European Association of Political Consultants (EAPC), American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC), and the International Association of Political Consultants (IAPC) with offices in Washington, D.C., Chicago and Los Angeles.

[tags]ElectionMall Technologies, digital certificates for elections, International Association of Political Consultants[/tags]