LAS VEGAS, Nev. — After the all-inclusive social network frenzy, some ultra-exclusive investment groups choose to exclude individuals who don’t meet pre-defined financial criteria, experience level, or have the ability to qualify for today’s loans. Reaching the most qualified buyers is a real estate developer’s dream. For real estate investors, the dream is finding the largest alluring incentives and discounts for the best projects in the markets with the most staying power. A leading Web 2.0 community, Investment Riches ( is using their existing traffic and social network to filter off high-level investors for their private group, The Investor Nexus.

The Investor Nexus launched October 1st to meet developer demand for qualified buyers and investor demand for the best Investment opportunities.

The Investor NexusTim Miner, President and founder of Investment Riches, said, “What we offer is a ‘strength in numbers’ approach and a history of successful marketing campaigns uniting the best investors and the most promising investment opportunities. We are able to get great incentive packages from developers because we can reach a hand-picked group of buyers who can and will close deals. By capitalizing on the economies of scale, investors secure unparalleled incentives and access and builders get their projects completed.”

The Investor Nexus ( is a free, private platform that offers members first look access to developer inventory with special incentives, early phase opportunities and more extensive research than previously seen.

“Individual investors cannot find these same incentive packages anywhere else. That exclusivity is a requirement for any project we select. Because we can bring multiple buyers to the table in one motion, developers will offer us much deeper discounts and larger incentives to get our members to take notice,” Mr. Miner continued.

But can these new groups survive the mortgage industry storm? Mr. Miner remains optimistic, “It’s certainly not an ideal situation for the average investor, but I believe our approach will certainly deliver the most qualified investors representing a viable opportunity for the developers and investors alike. I really don’t mind that most people have written off investors. It means that there will be more opportunities and less competition for the most capable investors. How could that scenario be anything but good news for our members?”

About Investment Riches launched in 2004 and is the first online social network dedicated to real estate investing. Investment Riches affords investors the opportunity to more easily identify the trends in emerging markets across the country and maximize their returns by employing a more informed investment strategy.

Through their online community and exclusive relationships within the field of real estate, continually pursues the latest trends, news and information on each of the top investment markets across the country.

[tags]Investment Riches Social Network, Tim Miner, The Investor Nexus[/tags]