BEDFORD HILLS, N.Y. — MTC Limousine and Corporate Coach, Inc. is taking a proactive approach to global warming. They have launched a comprehensive program that addresses climate-change issues and reduces their impact on the environment.

According to MTC President, Trevor Franklin, the plan is based on the belief that global warming uncertainty and risk are too great to wait for a “fix.”

“Our ‘neutralize’ philosophy is three-fold,” Franklin said. “We plan to reduce, renew and offset.”

MTC will take action now to reduce their carbon emissions, support the renewable energy industry, and neutralize remaining carbon emissions.

The company has adopted a four-prong attack:

1. Increase vehicle fuel efficiency;
2. Switch to low-carbon fuels;
3. Reduce vehicle miles traveled; and,
4. Optimize vehicle choice

To increase fuel efficiency, there is a carefully monitored, fleet-maintenance program. Vehicle maintenance is essential to ensure the cleanest possible emissions – 20 to 50 percent less than poorly-maintained engines. A “no-idling policy” has also been instituted.

Driving staff is actively monitored and no idling, speed restrictions, and extensive training in non-aggressive, moderate driving has increased driver and vehicle efficiency by as much as 26 percent.

When it comes to hybrids, MTC believes that they have to balance their desire to decrease their carbon footprints with other fleet needs such as cost, safety, function, and customer satisfaction.

“When people hear about our commitment to the environment,” Franklin said, “they assume we are adding hybrids to our fleet. While hybrids are promising, they must be added intelligently.”

Currently, MTC is working with General Motors (GM) on the integration of the new Tahoe hybrid and is also serving as a testing partner in GM’s Energy Diversity-Fuel Solutions program. MTC expects that their partnership will result in achieving their ultimate goal: More fuel efficient vehicles that are cost neutral, and able to fit their clients’ long-term needs.

MTC’s low-carbon fuel program includes the introduction of 2007 alternative fuel vehicles, including E85 FlexFuel vehicles that can run on either gasoline or E85 – a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline – or a combination of both.

“The availability of E85 will grow exponentially over the next few years,” Franklin said. “Right now, our Suburbans and Tahoes utilize Active Fuel Management(TM) which allows vehicles to use all cylinders when needed, and fewer cylinders when practical.”

Additionally, MTC has reduced emissions and increased profit by cutting the miles between their equipment and clients. With offices in New York, Connecticut and central New Jersey, they are close to key clients, yielding reduced fuel consumption.

MTC also began a virtual customer service associate program. Now, with experienced associates located throughout the U.S., and working from home, the company has reduced employee emissions and attracted talented and experienced staff.

MTC’s greatest efficiency improvement has been in dispatching technology. Working with software provider, Aleph Computer, MTC’s dispatching center is a model of efficiency.

“Empty cars to or from the airports is not acceptable,” Franklin said. “Our staff is in sync; we reward performance, and vehicle utilization is part of our performance-based compensation program.”

The MTC fleet runs the gamut from sedans and SUVs, to vans, mini-coaches and luxury 50-plus passenger motor coaches. All of the company’s larger vehicles are brand new, and size and color are key. Any vehicle larger than an SUV is white because extra fuel is needed to cool black ones.

Client interest has been very high. Carol Mattson oversees MTC’s customer service functions and explains that it is becoming unusual for clients to have two or three cars waiting for passengers.

“We proactively manage intra-company rideshare programs for our larger clients,” Mattson said. “We measure and report the environmental and cost avoidance gains.”

Promoting change is what MTC is about and on May 1, 2007, the company launched a carbon-offset program – the first of its kind in the industry. A typical high-volume corporate livery vehicle can generate up to 50 tons of C02 each year; MTC will reduce the net effect of their fleet emissions to 0, by year end.

Program and reporting requirements will be made available to all of MTC’s affiliates, worldwide, and Franklin is happy to help other ground transportation companies establish their own program.

“It’s not just a fad or the cool thing to do,” Franklin said, “It’s our future and it’s the right thing to do.”

For more information, call MTC: 800-682-1112; or visit:

[tags]MTC Limousine and Corporate Coach, global warming, climate change issues, Trevor Franklin[/tags]