Old Saloon - SW Montana Flood Relief Fund

(EMIGRANT, Mont.) — NEWS: The Old Saloon and Ryan Bingham, acclaimed country music singer songwriter and Walker on the hit show “Yellowstone,” partnered to support the Park and Madison counties from recent catastrophic flood damage.

“We were thrilled to host Ryan on our stage and blown-away by his generosity to donate his time for the cause,” says Brett Evje, co-owner of the renowned Old Saloon establishment. “Having the additional support of Outriders Presents, and the large financial contributions of Simkins-Hallin, and the numerous people who rose to the occasion means a lot to the community.”

“On behalf of the many individuals in Park County this fund will help, I want to extend my deep gratitude to everyone at the Old Saloon and Ryan Bingham for their generous support of the SW Montana Flood Relief Fund and the people of Park County. Over the past weeks, I have been witness to an incredible display of people helping people – the epitome of the Montana Spirit. This gift from the Old Saloon and the generosity of Ryan Bingham is an example of that way of life we all love and the reason we call Montana home,” proclaims Gavin Clark, Park County Community Foundation executive director.

In the hours following the flooding, the Southwest Montana Flood Relief Fund- serving Park County, was collaboratively launched between Greater Gallatin United Way and the Park County Community Foundation to support communities affected by the severe flooding in June.

So far, the Southwest Montana Flood Relief Fund has raised over 1 million dollars from over 1,000 donors. The fund is providing financial assistance for home/business property damage, clean-up efforts, emergency evacuation reimbursement, and other crisis needs. Over $800,000 has been distributed.

Those wishing to help people most impacted by the flooding in Southwest Montana are encouraged to donate to this fund by texting Flood22 to 41-444. To donate online go to https://www.greatergallatinunitedway.org/ or https://www.pccf-montana.org/.

For people who have been affected by the flooding and need financial assistance, please fill out the Funding Request Form for the SWMT Flood Relief Fund on Greater Gallatin United Way’s website or call the Park County Community Foundation at 406-224-3920.

About The Old Saloon:

Established in 1902, The Old Saloon is a classic western bar and eatery that not only offers great food, cold beer & whiskey but also hosts big name music during the summer and local music all year round.

Learn more: https://www.oldsaloonmt.com/

210 Railroad Lane, Emigrant, Montana 59027


IG: @theoldsaloon

FB: @The Old Saloon

Spotify: The Old Saloon

Related link: https://www.oldsaloonmt.com/

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