LOS ANGELES, Calif. — In today’s economy, more than ever, every dollar counts. That’s why STAT Medical Consulting, Inc. announces that they are working with physicians who are struggling with Medicare payments to prevent their cash flow from becoming a flat line. The Los Angeles Times recently reported that doctors across California are owed millions of dollars in backlogged Medicare reimbursements, forcing some physicians to turn away elderly patients, while pushing others to the brink of bankruptcy. And, doctors who serve high numbers of Medicare patients say they are defaulting on rent, laying off staff and begging drug suppliers not to stop shipments.

STAT Medical ConsultingAdditionally, in 2008, the California Medical Association fielded calls from approximately 1,000 doctors seeking help with delayed reimbursements.

“We are happy to report that we have been able to work with Medicare to get physicians paid on time,” Sharon Hollander, president of STAT Medical Consulting, says. “The key to getting our clients paid is in filing the correct paperwork, and in providing attention to detail. Many in-house medical billing offices are understaffed and overworked and cannot put in the time necessary for these time-consuming claims.”

Filing incorrect paperwork can lead to loss of revenue and a substantial decrease in cash flow. But, outsourcing billing and receivables to a medical billing service is one alternative to navigating the Medicare maze.

Hollander adds that, “It’s been proven that medical billing outsourcing reduces a physician’s overhead by nearly $35,000 per year and can increase revenue by as much as 20 percent.”

About STAT Medical Consulting, Inc.

STAT Medical Consulting, Inc. has extensive experience in all medical specialties ranging from primary care to neurosurgery. They are certified in coding, are fully HIPAA compliant and offer full electronic support for providers on the CMS-1500 claims. STAT Medical Consulting, Inc. also provides direct claim submission to Medicare and submission of electronic claims to all third-party insurers currently accepting claims in an electronic format.

Twenty-four hour turnaround time, stellar customer service, and positive payment results is what makes this company a success story. They attribute their success to more than 20 years of industry expertise and complete dedication to the success of the industry.

For more information, visit: www.StatMedical.net.