(ALISO VIEJO, Calif.) — NEWS: Local Performing Arts School THE CENTER STAGE STUDIO (CSS) of Aliso Viejo, Calif. won a National Title & coveted “Sweepstakes Award” at “The Musical Theatre Competition of America” held at Disneyland California this past weekend making THE CENTER STAGE STUDIO one of the top Musical Theater Programs in the country.

Top performance studios and public schools from around the country as far as Maine, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico traveled to Southern California to compete in the prestigious “The Musical Theatre Competition of America” at Disneyland. Schools competed in different levels celebrating a 9 – 12 minutes medley of a musical as well as solos and duets in voice and acting and technical disciplines. The school with the top combined scores won the coveted “Sweepstakes” title of Top Musical Theater Program.

The Center Stage Studio under the direction of Tracey Ball and Choreographer Chloe Nethery won top honors with both of their group numbers; “Beetlejuice Medley” 1st Place Ensemble and an Alan Menken Medley for 1st place in Musical Review. CSS also won 1st place overall in acting solos (Mitchell Berg) and Vocal Solos (Colin Kerrane) & vocal duet (Delaney McCarthy & Mitchel Berg).

“Center Stage parents, you need to thank your studio administrators for having the honor of being a part of a truly remarkable studio. I am blown away,” says Gary Krinke, MTCA Adjudicator and Fullerton College Theater Arts Administrator.

The Center Stage Studio opened its doors 15 years ago in 2005 with one room, a stage made out of boxes and a shower curtains sewed together for a stage curtain.

Modest means however big dreams by studio founder Tracey Ball. “I used to wake up at 6 a.m. and bring my pillow to my studio and lay by the phone in case it rang. It’s one thing to have a dream but you hope that others believe in you too!”

Within one year, Tracey went from 18 students to over 200 being one of the 1st schools to secure licensing to “High School Musical.” Within 5 years CSS acquired a theater, this time with real curtain rigging, an elevated stage and tech booth; Along with a full conservatory with classes in voice, acting, comedy, jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, lyrical and acrobatics. A true triple threat performing arts center for kids.

“I grew up in Foster homes aging out when I was 17. My last foster family saved my life. I know what it is like not to fit in having gone to 8 elementary schools and 3 high schools. I am every child in the classroom. I am the child in the corner who is afraid to be the new kid. I go out of my way to train my staff to make sure every single child feels cared for and strives in their performing arts education. I’m not perfect but my heart is always in the right place. The sky is the limit. Dreams do come true and winning MTCA is another dream come true!” said Tracey Ball.

About The Center Stage Studio:

The Center Stage Studio, family owned and operated by Tracey Ball & Tony DiMiceli since 2005, spreading the love of performing arts with the children of Orange County being one of the very few specializing in triple threat education; acting singing and dance. The Studio has won countless awards including “Best Performing Arts School,” Tracey Ball “Top Studio Director,” “Top Vocalist and Actor/Actress” Access Broadway National Competition, “Best Performing Arts Cast” Turn It Around Tour, “Excellence in Musical Theater & “Best Actor/Actress Award” Junior Theater Festival/Freddie Mac.

For more information about this topic please contact
Jennifer Pendagrast
The Center Stage Studio Aliso Viejo, Ca
27101 Aliso Creek Road #136 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

IG @The_CenterStageStudio
FB @CSSDanceMusicalTheater

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