Pap Corps Game Changer Vehicle

‘Hope on Wheels’ to Provide Free Cancer Screenings to those in North Broward and Palm Beach Counties

(DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla.) — NEWS: The Pap Corps ( is proud to announce the Dr. Kevin Berkowitz Memorial End of Year Giving Campaign will help fund the purchase, retrofit and operation of Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center’s 3rd Game Changer Vehicle.

This air-conditioned RV will service medically underserved communities in north Broward and Palm Beach counties offering free cancer screenings, education and referrals, in addition to providing free medication to prevent HIV to at risk patients.

“Expanding access to cancer screenings that lead to early detection is truly a game changer. Early cancer detection is vital to better cancer outcomes and this program has already proven that with their efforts in Monroe and Miami Dade counties,” said Pap Corps CEO David Bakelman. “The Pap Corps is honored to make this funding commitment to Sylvester and our community.”

Pap Corps President Linda Moses announced at the November Presidents’ Meeting that the nonprofit has designated a donation of $500,000 towards the 3rd Game Changer vehicle, covering the purchase, retrofit and two years of operation. The recreational vehicle will be equipped with two private rooms for consultations and cancer screenings, along with a comfortable multimedia center for interactive education about cancer-related topics.

“The outside of this 3rd vehicle will be co-branded with logos of both The Pap Corps and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center,” said Moses. “This will further expand awareness about the special relationship between our nonprofit and the only NCI-Designated cancer center in South Florida.”

This is the fifth year of the Dr. Kevin Berkowitz Memorial End of Year Giving Campaign. The program was created by Beverly Berkowitz, The Pap Corps’ Officer-at-Large to honor the memory of her late son.

“I am so proud this year’s campaign will fund this ground-breaking program which has garnered national acclaim and is now being studied and replicated by other cancer institutions,” said Berkowitz. “There is a tremendous lack of access to formal healthcare for so many in our community. This vehicle will help bridge that disparity.”

To learn more and donate to help fund the next Game Changer please go to

About The Pap Corps:

Since its founding in 1952, The Pap Corps has donated more than $110 million to Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, including a historic $50 million pledge in 2016 dedicating The Pap Corps Campus at Sylvester in Deerfield Beach. The Pap Corps derives its name from Dr. George Papanicolaou, a pioneer in cytopathology and early cancer detection, who introduced the world to the revolutionary ‘Pap’ test. A small group of women began the organization to support his efforts, and over the decades it has grown into an organization of over 20,000 men and women, in over 50 chapters, who raise funds to support all types of cancers.

For more information about the organization’s history, fundraising initiatives and volunteer opportunities, please visit

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