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Tag: ADF Solutions Inc

ADF Solutions Triage-Examiner forensic triage tool utilized by all five East Midlands police forces in the highly successful e-Forensics pilot program

BETHESDA, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- ADF Solutions announced today that Triage-Examiner, a forensic triage tool, was utilized by all five of the East Midlands police forces participating in the highly successful e-Forensics pilot program conducted by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) in the U.K. The aim of the six-month pilot was to speed up the process for all forces by providing one standardized approach to the examination of computers and mobile devices.

ADF Solutions, Inc. today announced a partnership with High Tech Crime Institute (HTCI)

BETHESDA, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- ADF Solutions, the global leader in site exploitation and digital forensic triage, today announced a partnership with High Tech Crime Institute, the global leader in the field of computer crime investigation and computer forensics, that will provide law enforcement investigators high quality training and education on the industry's leading forensic triage tools.

ADF Solutions to Provide Universal Triage Tool for First Responders

BETHESDA, Md. -- ADF Solutions Inc., the leading provider of forensic triage tools for computers and peripherals, announced today that the company has been selected by the Department of Homeland Security to develop a universal triage field kit that will aid law enforcement officers in the immediate extraction of information and evidence from computers and other devices involved in active criminal or terrorist investigations.

ADF Solutions wins U.S. patent for SearchPak Digital Forensics Technology

BETHESDA, Md. -- ADF Solutions, Inc., the leading provider of forensic triage tools for computers and peripherals, is pleased to announce that it has been granted a patent by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office pertaining to methods of searching forensic data. The patent has critical applications for forensic triage, cyber-security, cyber-intelligence, digital forensics, and e-discovery.

New Triage-ID 2.0 Forensic Software Speeds Time-to-Conviction in Child Pornography Cases

BETHESDA, Md. -- ADF Solutions, Inc. the leading provider of forensic triage tools for computers and peripherals, announced today the release of Triage-ID 2.0,...