BETHESDA, Md. — ADF Solutions, Inc. the leading provider of forensic triage tools for computers and peripherals, announced today the release of Triage-ID 2.0, the next generation of its widely deployed forensic triage software. This software is deployed in both field and lab investigations of computers and is used to identify high-value evidence in a matter of minutes – thereby eliminating the long forensic backlogs that many investigators face today, while helping to speed time-to-conviction in child pornography cases.

forensic triage toolsIn the United Kingdom, Nottinghamshire Police have successfully leveraged the software to secure a conviction in less than 7 weeks – a process that otherwise has taken up to 18 months. The speed of this conviction sets a record in the UK for the prosecution of the possession of abusive and indecent images of children. In the first 3 months after adopting Triage-ID, Nottinghamshire Police also reported a 20 percent drop in their forensic backlog, and this backlog has continued to decline significantly since then. Other agencies in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and Europe have reported similar results.

Triage-ID is forensically sound and has been used by both technical and non-technical professionals, including field detectives, forensic examiners, intelligence operatives, and e-discovery experts.

“The traditional forensics approach to examining all computers worked well enough when overall hard drive capacities were much smaller. But in today’s world of terabyte storage and nearly endless multimedia applications, this approach has led to severe forensic backlogs,” said J.J. Wallia, CEO and co-founder of ADF Solutions. “As a result, criminals who should be behind bars have been allowed to continue to walk the streets. Unfortunately, until we deploy effective triage procedures and reduce forensic backlogs, this situation will only get worse.”

Critical to the success of the Triage-ID software is its intelligent search technologies, which include the patent-pending SearchPak(R) and advanced image-matching technologies. These technologies have proven capable of rapidly identifying unknown child exploitation images and other conclusive evidence on suspect computers, thus leading to confessions and quicker convictions for many child exploitation cases.

Key new developments in the Triage-ID software include a user-friendly graphical interface to view evidence directly on suspect computer(s), one-click setup for non-technical users to deploy triage scans, and the ability to image the suspect hard drive directly from the Triage-ID software.

Triage-ID is integrated into the 2-day Digital First Responder(R) training program offered by ADF Solutions and its partners worldwide. The software is currently integrated into law enforcement training programs in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia.

About ADF Solutions

ADF Solutions, Inc. is the global leader of forensic triage tools for rapid evidence recovery and intelligence extraction from computers and peripheral devices. These tools are specifically designed to address critical law enforcement and national security issues faced today by the justice, intelligence, and defense communities due to overwhelming digital forensic backlogs. The company has a proven track record of addressing these issues. ADF Solutions’ clients include major law enforcement, defense, customs border, and intelligence agencies in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, and several other countries.

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