Tag: infosec

Send2Press, a newswire service of NEOTROPE, Earns 2022 Safest Content Award

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Send2Press®, a newswire service and dba of Neotrope®, announced today that its website has earned a 2022 Safest Content Award. Send2Press, celebrating its 22nd anniversary in 2022, has consistently been ranked as one of the best U.S.-based press release newswire service companies.

IQBG and Active Navigation Partner to Help Organizations Understand Their Data and Effectively Govern Information Stores

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- IQBG, Inc., a leading provider of information and management solutions to highly regulated industries and the public sector, today announced a strategic partnership with Active Navigation, the data privacy and governance software provider.

World’s first patented ‘unhackable computer’ Kickstarter Campaign launched by MICROSafeX

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- MICROSafeX announces a newly patented "unhackable" security technology / computer platform and it's working to raise money through a Kickstarter campaign set to launch on June 25, 2019 (US Patent No.: 10,061,923 B1).

EPIC’s David McNeil Presenting on Emerging Cyber Threats at AAWDM Thought Leadership Lab

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants, a retail property, casualty insurance brokerage and employee benefits consultant, announced today that Principal David McNeil will present at the American Association of Water Distribution and Management (AAWD&M) Ronald W. Seymour Memorial Thought Leadership Lab which will be hosted and live streamed from the Las Vegas Valley Water District on Oct. 26 at 10 a.m. PT.

Weitz & Luxenberg’s Robin Greenwald Named Co-Lead Counsel in Excellus Data Breach Case

NEWS: (NEW YORK, N.Y.) Robin L. Greenwald, head of the Weitz and Luxenberg Environmental, Toxic Tort and Consumer Protection litigation unit, will serve as interim co-lead counsel in the developing Excellus BlueCross BlueShield data breach class action lawsuit, according to the firm.

EaseUS Cautions Software Buyers on Data and Information Security for 2016

NEWS: Recent reports have revealed that data or information security is a higher risk at the end of every year. EaseUS Software, an international leader in data backup and recovery utilities, has conducted an in-depth survey on data security for a healthy IT environment and made effective precaution suggestions to avoid information frauds and privacy leaks.

In Boston at CFO Risk Management Summit: EPIC’s Daniel Houston to Speak on Risk Management Issues

NEWS: Cyber threats are one of the most significant risks businesses and individuals face today, says EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants. High profile breaches in the past few years have highlighted the substantial impact and significant costs associated with these attacks.

Weitz & Luxenberg Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Lenovo for Superfish Malware Security Risk

NEW YORK, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: New York-based Weitz and Luxenberg P.C. today announced the filing of a class action lawsuit against Lenovo and Superfish for a recent case of laptop security failings. The suit was filed in response to the growing concern over computer manufacturer Lenovo's inclusion of Superfish 'malware' on laptops purchased after Sept. 1, 2014.

Unirealm Information Systems announces Use Answer Question User Authentication System aka UAQUAS

TAYLORS, S.C. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Unirealm Information Systems, a U.S. based internet cloud hosting and information system provider, today announced the licensing of their patent pending #US_14/503,375 invention 'Use Answer Question User Authentication System' aka UAQUAS(TM) that uses question answer challenges instead of passwords for computer system login.