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Nevada Republican Candidate for Clark County Commissioner, Mitchell T. Tracy, Says Democrats Insert RINO Republican into Race

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Mitchell T. Tracy, Republican candidate for Clark County Commissioner District F in Nevada is fed up. He says that Tisha Black, a Harry Reid Democrat, is running on the Republican Party ticket, but she's a 'never Trump Republican' who is going up against him, an authentic pro Trump, Reagan conservative.
Don Lowe Says He Could Still Win

Electoral College Loopholes: Don Lowe Says He Could Still ‘Stop’ President-Elect Trump

eNewsChannels NEWS: (SAN ANGELO, Texas) -- No matter party affiliation, everyone can agree that this year's elections were heart-pumping. And for Donald Eugene Lowe, it might have even been a bit more so. Why? To date, he says that he is the first person in history to become a President-Elect Alternate. It's the law - a combination of many, in fact.
Donald Lowe for President

Write in for GOP Trump Alternative: Donald Eugene Lowe Offers Alternative for Republican President in 2016

NEWS: (SAN ANGELO, Texas) He's an independent write-in, libertarian, republican conservative. He's presidential candidate, Donald Eugene Lowe from Texas, and he's announcing his run for president under the Republican Party with vice president, Shaun Reynard Richardson, by his side.

Opinion: GOP Warning Labels

What if politicians in the Party of Stupid had to be labeled with the same type of warnings as household appliances? (Note to Conservatives:...

Senate Candidate Tom Del Beccaro’s Flat Tax endorsed by Economist Dr. Arthur Laffer

NEWS: (WALNUT CREEK, Calif.) Tom Del Beccaro, former Chairman of the California Republican Party and U.S. Senate candidate, today announced Dr. Arthur Laffer's endorsement of Del Beccaro's nationwide and California flat tax.
Are You a Scumbag

Opinion: Are You a Scumbag? Take This Simple Test

OPINION: There are many reasons people vote Republican besides stupidity and racism. With so much doubt and confusion swirling around "the moron party," we thought it was a good time to provide this little test. You can try this quick and easy examination for yourself as well as give a copy to close family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and that weird uncle who always ruins your family gatherings by spouting rightwing nutjob nonsense he heard on "the Fox News."

Book Review: 'Rule and Ruin' by Geoffrey Kabaservice

REVIEW: A newcomer to American politics would write off the Republican Party as a gang of xenophobic, racist, theocratic, misogynistic, fiscally irresponsible war-mongers. In "Rule and Ruin," Geoffrey Kabaservice explains how and why this happened.