Turner Sanitation - Lake Orion

(LAKE ORION, Mich.) — NEWS: When Darin Gross purchased Turner Sanitation in early 2020, he never imagined that re-shaping the business would take him through a pandemic and increased need for his services. But as the company has steered toward additional services and greater community needs, the once seasonal business has been transformed into a full-year operation.

“There were a lot of misnomers associated with our company for a long time. For instance, most people believed that we couldn’t pump septic systems in the wintertime,” said Gross. “Plus, in the new COVID world we live in right now, homes not only have more people living there, but the winter months are going to heighten their lack of ability to get out of the house. This is why it’s important for people to know we can pump in the winter.”

Turner Sanitation, a family-run company serving North Oakland County homes and businesses for decades, had originally built its revenue model around seasonal work from April to November, but has now become more agile in its ability to re-shape its service offerings, leading to no “down seasons” for the company, including the need for toilet rentals and cleaning services. One of the advantages of Turner’s year-round business model is that its employees are also on a year-round schedule meaning no seasonal layoffs.

“Before I bought the company, most everyone was laid off during the offseason. This year, my goal is to keep our folks employed throughout the year,” said Gross.

One Turner service that has become more robust, aligned with a large increase in home sales in 2020, is the company’s ability to provide septic inspections (video scopes) quickly and effectively for real estate transactions. Macomb County, for instance, now requires a septic inspection before a home is sold, and in many communities where population growth and new large home construction has put a stress on the community infrastructure, septic inspections have become a must.

“It’s a new service for us and it’s probably one of the least expensive and most important decisions you can make before closing on a home,” said Gross.

With state infrastructure becoming a main economic driver in Michigan, Gross has also gotten Turner ready with a major purchase of combination toilets and sinks for use in road construction activities and special events. Additionally, with winter’s snow and ice on the horizon, Turner has become extremely adept at septic pumping services for all weather conditions.

“People don’t think we can pump in the wintertime, but that’s actually the most efficient time for homeowners and businesses,” said Gross. “There’s usually a real rush to get septic systems pumped in the summer and possibly pay higher prices so they can expedite the job. We don’t have these issues in the winter, and we can find septic lids without a problem, no matter the weather.”

You can contact Turner Sanitation at 248-693-0998 or learning more about the company at https://turnersanitationlo.com/.

Darin Gross
Turner Sanitation, Inc.

Related link: https://turnersanitationlo.com/

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