CHICAGO, Ill. — KnowledgeAdvisors, one of the world’s largest providers of learning and talent measurement solutions, today announced it has released a new benchmark research report analyzing employee competency rating patterns. The research utilized KnowledgeAdvisors Metrics that Matter(R) analytics tool and its Talent and Performance Measurement Multi-Rater capability to easily create the rater network, distribute the competency instruments, and report the data.

KnowledgeAdvisors reportAmong the key findings were that Ethics and Integrity was the highest rated competency which is consistent with the belief that this is a socially desirable trait. The lowest rated competency of a participant’s rater network was Coaching and Mentoring.

This is important because a critical trait of an excellent leader is coaching and mentoring and the research shows a lack of confidence in this capability. Further, the largest gap between the participant and his or her rater network was in the area of Workforce Management. This is the ability to accurately forecast future staffing needs and deploy resources in such a way as to maximize productivity. These skills are essential in managerial positions and indicate a significant gap between what an individual believes his or her competency is in this area relative to the expectations of others for this individual. If anything, greater emphasis on training for this gap is needed in the general workplace.

Other important research findings included large differences between a participant’s self ratings and the rater network in Delegation and in Performance Management. Like Workforce Management, the gaps identify learning opportunities or opportunities to recruit new staff with expertise in these areas to fill the void.

“This research is of importance because it can shape talent development strategy in a data driven manner. Of course it is best to measure these competencies organization by organization and then benchmark against this dataset for the greatest creative insights,” stated Kent Barnett, CEO of KnowledgeAdvisors.

The use of tools like multi-rater assessments (otherwise known as 360s) is applicable not only in competency management and performance management but also in learning and development, recruiting and selection, and succession planning. Many organizations feel the 360 process is administratively burdensome. However, with technology containing embedded 360 process capability, the resources required for administration can be significantly reduced. Probably the most laborious task is participant and managerial reporting. With proper technology, like the Metrics that Matter tool, used to conduct this research, a detailed report is automatically generated and sent to each participant. This automated process saves considerable time and cost while providing timely and actionable data to the participant and his or her manager regarding blind spots and hidden strengths.

Organizations interested in further details about this research can access the complimentary white paper found at: .

KnowledgeAdvisors is the world’s largest provider of learning and talent measurement solutions. Leading organizations access its measurement expertise and on-demand software to ensure a high-performing workforce. As a thought leader in Human Capital Analytics, KnowledgeAdvisors provides the most comprehensive analytics solutions in the market. By combining measurement expertise, on-demand evaluation software, and integrated analytics solutions with benchmarking, organizations gain the necessary insights on how to best develop their workforce.

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