NEW YORK, N.Y. — Author Anthony Riche, Ph.D., announces today, “Five Tips on Finding Love This Summer.” In his newly released book, Finally! How To Stop Dating Losers Forever (ISBN: 978-0-595-41418-5, iUniverse), Riche offers tips on finding the right guy while avoiding Mr. Wrong. He states that any woman can find true love by following five easy steps:

1. Get Clear. “Getting clear is very important in the dating game. You have to get clear on what it is you’re looking for in a mate. It’s as equally important as what you don’t want,” he says.

2. Make A List. “You wouldn’t go food shopping without a list. Why be on the market for a mate without having a list too,” Riche added. “Once you know what you want out of a partner, write it down. Make a list of all key attributes that you absolutely must have in your dream guy.”

3. Use Your Imagination. “Visualization is one of the mind’s most powerful tool. Visualize what your dream guy is like. Make a clear picture in your mind using the important elements from your list. If you have trouble visualizing things, you can simply use your imagination,” Riche adds. “The mind can’t tell the difference.”

4. Have A Little Faith. Like the famous saying goes, “You gotta have faith!” Faith is the straw that stirs the drink. “Believe that you can find your Mr. Right and it will happen.”

5. Do You. Don’t “wait around” for Mr. Right to come along. While you may be waiting romantically for Mr. Right to arrive, that doesn’t mean you should put your entire life on hold. Proceed with your life in a happy and content manner; go out with friends, join a class, exercise. Riche concluded, “You want your dream guy to add to your life, not to complete it.”

“Finally! How To Stop Dating Losers Forever” offers a unique blend of spirituality, psychology and humor delivered in a clear and fun-to-read manner.

Anthony Riche, Ph.D. is a clinical hypnotherapist, motivational speaker and life coach who has helped many clients change their lives and achieve their dreams. He has spent over twenty years studying personal achievement and intrapersonal relating and is considered an expert on self-esteem. Information: .

The book is available through and

[tags]Stop Dating Losers Forever, iUniverse books, Author Anthony Riche[/tags]

Tabitha Angel Berg is an aspiring author and musician and joined eNewsChannels in Nov. 2006 as an editor and mistress of the WP-based content management system (CMS). She likes ferrets better than cats and tea better than coffee, and is a devout iPad evangelist. Nobody pays her to like Dr. Pepper, but wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?