Leigh Geramanis-Arnold of LTC NEWS

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) — NEWS: LTC NEWS, LLC, publishers of website www.ltcnews.com, has named Leigh Geramanis-Arnold as Chief Washington Correspondent. Formed in July 2015, LTC NEWS is an online resource for long-term care planning, aging, caregiving, health, and retirement issues to help consumers plan for and better understand the family and financial impact of aging.

Arnold is an award-winning medical reporter, TV news producer, and communications consultant. Arnold honed her craft reporting medical news in the shadows of the Mayo Clinic at KTTC-TV, Rochester, Minnesota, where she interviewed countless physicians and researchers on cutting-edge medicine.

Arnold also served as Senior Communications Consultant for the research firm Frank N. Magid Associates, in addition to working for several TV news stations in the Midwest as News Director and Assignments Editor. She has also worked in corporate communications for Trinity Regional Health System, based in Rock Island, Illinois (now Unity Point). She is a graduate of Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.

“Americans are focused on the consequences of health and aging. They are looking for accurate information to prepare their families and finances for future aging issues or deal with a current crisis with a loved one. Leigh’s unique experiences will help her cover the campaigns, the White House, and Congress with a laser beam focus on these topics. Her experience will well serve the readers of LTC NEWS,” said Matt McCann, LTC NEWS publisher.

Press releases or story ideas can be emailed to newsroom@ltcnews.com

Learn more about LTC NEWS at: https://www.ltcnews.com/

Related link: https://www.ltcnews.com/

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