NEW YORK, N.Y. — Marty Niedelman (, a pharmacist from New York, claims he has the answer which will lead to the cure of Cancer. He feels that all the research scientists are leaning toward his conclusion, but are taking too much time to succeed. He has written an article explaining what he knows about the subject. The purpose of this article is to motivate all the researchers to perfect the cure now.

Through the years, Marty has seen scattered articles and news alerts about the cure for Cancer. These usually state that it will take several years to perfect the cure of a limited type of Cancer. Then, he doesn’t hear anything more. Marty feels that the time for action is now.

Being a Pharmacist for over forty years, Marty is familiar with the pharmaceutical industry and the state of disease. There are scientists, researchers, and doctors who are more knowledgeable in the subject than he is.

But, sometimes simplicity has a way of eluding all of us.

By going to and clicking on articles, the “Theory On Cancer Cure – Fact or Fiction,” can be printed for free. Then, by e-mailing it to everyone you know, Marty feels “we will get the attention of all those people who have the expertise to make the cure for Cancer a reality.”