Nationally recognized solar companies to donate complete solar panel installation to homeless shelter, Joy Junction, in Albuquerque, New Mexico

(ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.) — NEWS: Sunpro Solar, a national leader in residential solar power, joins Unirac, a solar mount manufacturer, on a mission to donate and install solar energy panels that will power facilities for Joy Junction, a homeless shelter in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Joy Junction provides assistance to the homeless population and underserved families and individuals in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Unlike other shelters in the area, the organization believes that no one should be turned away and that families should be kept together.

In light of COVID-19, many in the community are left vulnerable and without the means to self-quarantine or shelter-in-place; a situation that causes a significant draw on the resources Joy Junction needs to do its work – dramatically more than pre-pandemic.

The donated solar installation from Sunpro Solar will make sure that hundreds of dollars every month are used to support Joy Junction’s efforts in the community and not diverted to pay for electricity costs. Solar power provides a cost-saving solution for the shelter that will last long after the pandemic has passed.

“If the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us anything about our [solar] industry, it is that we are resilient, we are tenacious, and we care about our fellow human beings,” says Unirac’s Karen Paramanandam.

“Our company was founded with the mission to change lives and make our communities a better place,” said Marc Jones, Founder and CEO of Sunpro Solar. “We are proud to partner with great companies like Unirac to help support Joy Junction’s world-changing work.”

Both Sunpro and Unirac encourage residents in the Albuquerque area to visit for other ways to help Joy Junction in its work with the homeless and vulnerable.

About Sunpro Solar:

Sunpro Solar is a top solar company in the U.S. that provides affordable solar energy and battery storage solutions to homeowners nationwide. Sunpro Solar was named 5th largest residential solar installer in the U.S. by Solar Power World Magazine in July 2020. An Inc. 500 company, Sunpro Solar continues to expand as the demand for home solar in the United States rapidly increases. Sunpro Solar has headquarters in Louisiana and currently operates in 15 states. For more information visit

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