Councilmembers Dudley Edmondson (right) and Ashley Peters (middle) inspect an OHF funded native prairie enhancement in Clay county with retired wildlife manager Earl Johnson (left) during an August 2022 LSOHC habitat tour

(SAINT PAUL, Minn.) — NEWS: The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC) Saturday issued its annual Call for Funding Request from the Outdoor Heritage Fund. Approximately $140 million will be available for both metro and statewide grants to aid Minnesota habitat restoration, protection and enhancement.

Requests are due to the LSOHC Friday, May 26, 2023 at 4 p.m. The funds for approved programs signed into law during the 2024 legislative session will be available Monday, July 1, 2024.

Since the Outdoor Heritage Fund’s creation in 2008, $1.5 billion in on-the-ground habitat programs has been allocated by the Minnesota legislature and over 1.3 million acres of Minnesota forests, prairies and wetlands have been restored, protected and/or enhanced. The latest set of recommendations for $171 million is currently before the Minnesota legislature.

The process is competitive and open to all who wish to apply. “Each year we receive many excellent proposals containing a wide variety of projects,” said Mark Johnson, LSOHC Executive Director, “but there is still great opportunity for new applicants and new ideas. If you are interested in applying, but unsure if Outdoor Heritage Funds are right for your project, call us – LSOHC staff are here to help.”

Proposal requirements and terms of funding are outlined in the Call for Funding Request. To view details or learn more, visit:

For answers to specific questions, contact LSOHC Staff:

About Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council:

The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council is composed of eight citizens and four legislators and makes annual recommendations to the Minnesota legislature for use of the Outdoor Heritage Fund. The Outdoor Heritage Fund is one of four funds established as a result of the Clean Water, Land and Legacy amendment, passed by Minnesota voters in November of 2008. The amendment established a dedicated sales tax increase of three-eighths of 1%. One-third of the dollars raised are deposited in the Outdoor Heritage Fund and expenditures must be used to restore, protect and enhance Minnesota’s wetlands, prairies, forests and habitat for fish, game and wildlife. Current LSOHC members are listed on the LSOHC website members page:

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