(POMPANO BEACH, Fla.) — NEWS: What if your city could implement a strategy that would transform tourists into long-term investors? That is the concept behind “Investment Tourism,” a comprehensive Economic Development and Marketing platform developed by the award-winning principals of RMA (rma.us.com) and CJF Marketing International (http://www.cjfmarketinginternational.com/).
“The strategies behind ‘Investment Tourism’ help cities capitalize on their current tourism program by identifying enhanced opportunities, elevating engagement and creating clear pathways to connect,” said Sharon McCormick, Director of Business Attraction & Marketing for RMA. “Through our companies’ decades of work with cities, counties and special districts nationwide, creating both economic development and marketing programs, we noticed an untapped potential in the tourism area. The new protocols we are establishing for destinations will now enable them to take their tourism strategies to the next level.”
Through targeted and tailored messaging, visitors will be able to view a destination as more than a vacation get-a-way. Expanding on a tourist’s interest and connection to a destination, this platform will introduce the greater possibilities that await–be it a second home, a small business or a major development opportunity.
“Investment Tourism begins with an evaluation of a destination’s brand, its leadership and support assets,” said Carolyn J. Feimster, CRX, CMD, Founder and President of CJF Marketing International. “Competitive advantages are highlighted and a unique outreach program that interfaces with the key marketing and economic development strategies is implemented. Through enhanced social media, and growing tech advancements including chatbots, virtual reality and augmented reality, the targeted opportunities to connect and educate are growing exponentially.”
For destinations that already have both a well-constructed brand and a Travel & Tourism Program in place, these five tips will help capitalize on the current tourism market:
* Craft social media/digital ads inviting tourists to discover investment opportunities in your area with links to a robust, highly functional economic development website that includes top opportunities for investment.
* Create tourism videos that include a call-to-action to learn more about investment opportunities. Feature real stories about living and doing business in your city.
* Include a call-to-action in tourism print ads to “own” a piece of your destination.
* Insert investment opportunity messages within district light pole banner programs, expanding upon the typical dining, shopping, entertainment verbiage.
* Invest in a mobile visitor information center. Educate and assign staff to the center, ensuring your visitors see the best your destination has to offer – with friendly helpful information about all your assets, including investment opportunities.
For destinations ready to experience the next level with a comprehensive Investment Tourism Program and an individualized long-term investment platform please visit http://rma.us.com/services/investment-tourism/
Related link: http://www.rma.us.com/
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