POMPANO BEACH, Fla. — Alyona Ushe, President & CEO of The Creatives, has announced that Jody Leshinsky is joining the nonprofit organization as the Vice President of Administration. Leshinsky, the former Assistant Director of the Broward Cultural Division, will work closely with Ushe in managing venues including The Pompano Beach Amphitheater (The Amp), the upcoming Cultural Center and other cultural initiatives throughout the City of Pompano Beach.

Jody Leshinsky
“We are honored that Jody is now part of our exceptional senior team,” said Ushe. “She has been a major catalyst for the growth and development of arts in Broward County, and her level of expertise will be invaluable as we expand the cultural footprint of Pompano Beach.”

Ensuring the efficient business and administrative operation of The Creatives, Leshinsky will oversee and coordinate the day-to-day administration including the creation and development of short and long-range business plans; as well as the implementation of programs that benefit the artists and cultural organizations of Pompano Beach.

“I am thrilled to be joining Alyona and The Creatives staff as they initiate a new phase of cultural growth in Pompano Beach,” said Leshinsky. “The arts are a cornerstone for the success of any metropolitan area, and this city is poised for greatness.”

About Jody Leshinsky:

As the Assistant Director of the Broward Cultural Division, Leshinsky has acted as a critical liaison to other government departments, 31 municipalities, 823 not-for-profit arts organizations and 10,000 artists. Honored many times through the years with national, regional and local awards of excellence, she has been a facilitator for collaborations, entrepreneurial ventures and artistic development, in addition to overseeing all marketing, public relations, advertising and social media for the Division.

One of her key programs, the Cooperative Marketing Program, provides participants with advertising assistance through matching funds and educational workshops. She has been instrumental in securing numerous grant awards from the National Endowment of the Arts; the State Division of Cultural Affairs and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and has been the editor and publisher of “Cultural Quarterly,” a fine arts magazine for 28 years.

About The Creatives:

The visionary staff of Cultural Arts Creatives, Inc. – aka The Creatives – program and manage cultural venues throughout Pompano Beach including The Pompano Beach Amphitheater (The Amp), Magnetic Pompano at Citi Centre, and the upcoming Cultural Center. The team has also launched other acclaimed South Florida venues including Arts Garage and Bailey Contemporary Arts.

The Creatives’ focus is on the emerging and exploding arts landscape of Pompano Beach. Our mission is to champion and advance Pompano Beach as The City of Arts and Innovation in the broadest creative, economic and social context possible; to attract and retain the best regional talent and to showcase South Florida as the national gemstone of arts and culture.

More information: http://thecreatives.org/.

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