MCT Trading

Content Recommendations Engine Improves Transparency in Secondary Marketing

(SAN DIEGO, Calif.) — NEWS: Mortgage Capital Trading, Inc. (MCT®), a recognized industry leader in mortgage risk management providing pipeline hedging, best execution loan sales and centralized lock desk services, announced the debut of its new Learning Center, a one-stop educational content database for each stage of growth of a mortgage lender in the secondary market. With a repository of webinars, technical whitepapers, blog posts, market commentary, and a dictionary of industry terms, the Learning Center grants unparalleled educational access to users looking to expand their knowledge of capital markets.

“We rolled out the Learning Center so that clients and industry professionals alike could gain insights, improve their business operations, and further their understanding of the mortgage industry,” said Curtis Richins, President of MCT. “This debut is a significant step forward in our mission to fuel the mortgage industry with transformational capital markets technology and personalized client experience.”

The new MCT Learning Center is built around a tailored experience for each individual user. Whether a particular lender is doing best efforts loan sales, supported hedging and mandatory delivery, semi-autonomous hedging and loan sales, autonomous hedging and loan sales, or is fully autonomous with advanced functionality, each growth stage has a robust repository of material designed to advance knowledge and achieve increased profitability. Visitors have the option to take a brief survey to determine their growth stage, or browse MCT’s latest featured content for mortgage professionals.

“The complexities of the mortgage secondary market have frequently represented a stumbling block in the growth of lenders and mortgage professionals, sometimes to the benefit of the financial establishment who capitalize on that complexity,” said Ian Miller, CMO of MCT. “MCT has achieved a leading role among hedge advisors through transparency and education, and the new Learning Center is the latest incarnation of that mission.”

The debut of the Learning Center is the latest in a long line of innovations from MCT. Over the last year, MCT has rolled out BAM Marketplace, the first truly open loan exchange, enhanced best execution with its EBX technology that automates retain-release MSR decisions, and debuted the MCTlive! Pool Optimizer that enables secondary marketing managers to use actual cash window execution for optimization on each individual loan rather than using a dealer survey for spec pay-ups.

While this content recommendation engine is the latest example of MCT’s commitment to accessibility in the secondary market, an array of deeper resources is already available exclusively for MCT clients. These include the annual MCT Exchange conference, the MCT University educational webinar series, and MarketFlash email newsletters sharing timely market volatility guidance.

Visit the MCT Learning Center and register for a webinar on January 6 demonstrating the new functionality and collecting topics of interest for future educational resources:

About MCT:

Founded in 2001, Mortgage Capital Trading, Inc. (MCT) has grown from a boutique mortgage pipeline hedging firm into the industry’s leading provider of fully integrated capital markets services and technology. MCT offers an array of best-in-class services and software covering mortgage pipeline hedging, best execution loan sales, outsourced lock desk solutions, MSR portfolio valuations, business intelligence analytics, mark to market services, and an award-winning comprehensive capital markets software platform called MCTlive! MCT supports independent mortgage bankers, depositories, credit unions, warehouse lenders, and correspondent investors of all sizes.

Headquartered in San Diego, California, MCT also has offices in Philadelphia, Santa Rosa, Los Angeles and Dallas. MCT is well known for its team of capital markets experts and senior traders who continue to provide the boutique-style hands-on engagement clients love.

For more information, visit or call (619) 543-5111.

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