MIDLAND, Mich. — Ornament Collectors LLC announced today that “The Experts Guide to Collecting Christmas Ornaments” has been revised and updated for 2007, and is now available in e-book form from The book was written to give collectors more background on the evolution of the ornament collecting hobby. Christmas trees and Christmas ornaments are very significant cultural icons as they show how pagan traditions were incorporated into Christianity.

The evolution of materials science and the role of world wars also influenced where, how and what were used to make Christmas ornaments. “The history of western society and the evolution of materials science and manufacturing can be seen in the microcosm of the Christmas ornament,” said author Harold Nicoll.

“Original Christmas ornaments were made of food or fruit and were never intended to be kept from year to year. It was not until materials like glass, metal and eventually plastic evolved to the point they were easy to manufacture that items we recognize to be Christmas ornaments were possible,” Nicoll added.

To make the information as widely available as possible, the book is available from the Internet only. “You do not have to worry that the book is checked out from the library or available at the bookstore,” Nicoll said.

“If you have access to a computer you can buy and read our book. Plus, we have saved lots of trees by using electronic media only.”

To buy the newly revised book, visit

[tags]Ornament Collectors LLC, The Experts Guide to Collecting Christmas Ornaments, e-book news, author Harold Nicoll[/tags]

Tabitha Angel Berg is an aspiring author and musician and joined eNewsChannels in Nov. 2006 as an editor and mistress of the WP-based content management system (CMS). She likes ferrets better than cats and tea better than coffee, and is a devout iPad evangelist. Nobody pays her to like Dr. Pepper, but wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?