ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns

Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns
Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff
Are You a Scumbag

Opinion: Are You a Scumbag? Take This Simple Test

OPINION: There are many reasons people vote Republican besides stupidity and racism. With so much doubt and confusion swirling around "the moron party," we thought it was a good time to provide this little test. You can try this quick and easy examination for yourself as well as give a copy to close family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and that weird uncle who always ruins your family gatherings by spouting rightwing nutjob nonsense he heard on "the Fox News."

Thanks for Your Sochi Prayers that Helped Joy Win!

OPINION: As an Olympic skier, I want to thank all those who prayed for the joy and safety of everyone at Russia’s surprisingly “awesome” games. Joining with the Olympic families, were Christian Scientists, Native Americans, Aetherius Society, Monks of Moscow and so many more to help preserve this greatest force for Peace, Understanding, Healing, and Unity for over 1,000 years in Ancient times, and 100 years in Modern times.
GOP Outfitters

Opinion: GOP Outfitters

OPINION: Are you running for public office in a district full of incredibly dim-witted people? Hello republican candidates! Worried about attracting a large number of moron voters? Not to worry, GOP Outfitters is ready to serve you.

Sipapu’s NM-AZ Native Program Helping Heal America

OPINION: To further help heal and unite America, on February 26, New Mexico’s Sipapu ski area announced that it is joining Pajarito Mt and Ski Santa Fe in offering landmark affordable skiing and snowboarding opportunities to the tribes of New Mexico and Arizona.

Could World Prayer Help Protect Sochi Olympics?

OPINION: The Olympics has been the greatest force for Peace, Understanding, Healing, and Unity for over 1000 years in Ancient times and 100 years in Modern times.  Given that Olympic heroes have inspired countless youth to be happily healthy, productive, brilliant and generous, we hope you will take a moment to join this world prayer for “The Joy and Safety of the Sochi Olympics,” heartened by how it has worked for the last five Olympics.
Opinion: Red State TV

Opinion: Red State TV

OPINION: After a friend wrote me about seeing a TV show called 'Focus on New Mexico,' we both started wondering if GOP-controlled states have similar programs. Of course they do! Let's take a peek at the outline for one of their offerings.
Francesca Maetas giving David Vosburgh

Santa Fe Ski Area Gallantly Safety-nets Pajarito's NM-AZ Native Ski Program

After launching in early January the most generous Native snowsports outreach in history, inviting tribal youth of New Mexico and Arizona to ski in...

Pajarito Mountains New Mexico-Arizona Tribal Ski Outreach Helping Heal America

On January 4, Pajarito Mountain Ski Area, nestled near New Mexico’s Bandelier Canyon Cliff Dwellings going back 11,000 years, magnanimously launched an unprecedented snowsports...
Opinion: Rename the GOP

Opinion: Rename the GOP

OPINION: Republicans have long ceased to be the Grand Old Party, if that term ever applied to them, and therefore we are announcing a contest to re-brand republicans with an appropriate moniker.
The W Death Watch Doll

Opinion: The W Death Watch Doll

OPINION: Note to the Secret Service: This column in no way calls for any harm to come to the 43rd POTUS. It's just that there is a monetary gain that will accrue to some of us upon his demise and so, well, we're interested in his health, that's all. A long time ago on a planet very similar to ours, two friends had a practice of giving each other bad Christmas presents. It was a contest of sorts in which the winner was whoever could find the most outrageously awful gift ...