News: Politics

News: Politics

Political News, Ballots and Voting, Elections, and Opinion

News: Politics

News: Politics
Political News, Ballots and Voting, Elections, and Opinion
Denise Gott

Public Policy Poll: Which Presidential Candidates to back federal incentives for owning long-term care insurance

NEWS: ACSIA Partners LLC announces a straw poll asking Americans to say which 2016 Presidential candidate, Democratic or Republican, is more likely to back federal incentives for owning long-term care insurance.

Show Some Left-Love: Campaigning for president is torturous slog through fiery burrow of abuse and speculation

OPINION: Campaigning for president is a protracted and torturous slog through a fiery burrow of abuse, attacks, speculation, condemnation, vituperation, ignominy, pettiness, lies, false accusations, and humiliation. Bad stuff happens, too.
Americans v. Rethuglicans

Opinion: 87.372% of Republicans Don’t Differentiate Between Polling and Propaganda

OPINION: What's the difference between polling and propaganda? Legitimate poll-taking is a research activity in which the current knowledge of the electorate is revealed. Propaganda polling from rightwing organizations emphasizes the mental aberrations of frightened, stunted, and racist simpletons.

Rick Santorum: Frothy Mixture of Sophistry and Stupidity

OPINION: With a deficit of intellect and a surfeit of bile, Rick Santorum is scrambling to find enough numbskulls to bankroll another failed run for the presidential nomination of the American Taliban Party. If it weren't for the entertainment value of his snide and sniggering superciliousness, Santorum's main qualification would be that he's a killjoy.
Seedpod Pet of the Koch Brothers

Is Scott Walker the Poisonous Seedpod Pet of the Koch Brothers?

OPINION: Scott Walker, rightwing nutjob governor of the state of Wisconsin, remains in office due to the prodigious amounts of money poured into his campaigns by Charles and David Koch, rightwing nutjob residents of the state of denial, I mean Kansas.

The Huckster – When such a flim-flam man runs for president, the whole country should be alarmed

OPINION: In literature and the movies, there is a romantic haze surrounding the silver-tongued con man but the reality is grittier: the bilker filches money from the innocent or unwary. When such a flim-flam man runs for president, the whole country should be alarmed. Meet Mike Huckster.
Little Marco Rubio

Little Marco Rubio Gets Advice from America’s Teachers

OPINION (by John Scott G): Professional know-nothing Marco Rubio is attractive to people of impaired cognitive reasoning but everyone else recognizes he is unfit for public office. In a surprising turn of events, teachers across America offer helpful advice on behalf of his joke candidacy for president.
Rand Paul 2016

Rand Paul: Deceitful and Deluded or Full-on Crazy? Welcome to the GOP Clown Car Cavalcade

OPINION: When rightwing radical Rand Paul added his name to the GOP clown car cavalcade of presidential candidates, racists everywhere rejoiced. But psychiatric experts are worried that Paul's behavior indicates mental instability.

Artist Daniel Edwards Protests ‘American Apathy’ with Senator Tom Cotton Treason Monument

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: As the U.S. takes a major step toward reaching a full agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, artist Daniel Edwards has created a 'treason monument,' featuring a bust of Senator Tom Cotton, as a protest to the 'apathy of the American people' regarding the 47 Senate Republicans who sent the unauthorized letter, at Cotton's behest, to Iranian leadership that undermined the U.S. negotiations, to be unveiled later this month by Cory Allen Contemporary Art.

Ted Cruz: BUZZZZZ! WRONG! New Computerized Breakthrough May Be His Noisy Undoing

OPINION: (satire) Ted Cruz, short on intellect but long on hatred, seeks to pocket as much money as possible from a failed run for the presidential nomination of the USA's Taliban Party. But a new computerized breakthrough may be his noisy undoing.