Holiday Celebrates the Beauty and Value in All Creatures

WAUWATOSA, Wis. — A day that recognizes the beauty of bulldogs, despite their droopy looks, will challenge people as it conveys a message of acceptance, when bulldogs and their owners celebrate the second annual “National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day” on Saturday, April 26, 2008 ( “I hope that with the help of these sweet bulldogs, people will take note of how they treat others they deem unattractive,” said Jackie Valent, author of the children’s book, “Stinky the Bulldog” (ISBN 1420826972).

The Milwaukee and national signature event, which will take place at Central Bark; 5780 W. Hemlock; Milwaukee, Wis., 53223 from 12 p.m. until 3 p.m., is expected to attract about 50 bulldogs and their owners.

Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day The event will feature snacks and mingling for pups and people, but different this year is a showcasing of regional agencies doing great work around diversity and acceptance issues. Even though bulldogs’ saggy skin makes them look to have perpetual frowns and their stout bodies connote sluggishness, bulldogs are affectionate animals that enjoy attention from humans, according to bulldog owner and the holiday’s host, author Jackie Valent of Wauwatosa, who is also a human resources executive at Deloitte, LLP.

“I hope that ‘National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day’ teaches us to embrace differences in people; if people see beyond the looks and aggressive ancestry of a bulldog, they can certainly look within and challenge themselves to accept their neighbors of a different race, gender, appearance, lifestyle, physical ability, national origin or religion.

“In today’s global community, we are valuable as a cohesive civilization rather than as segmented populations.” Valent knows that changing people’s prejudices is a large order, but with her success as a human resources specialist who works passionately with diversity issues, and each time someone hides their face in shame after hearing that Stinky is her bulldog’s name of affection, not cruelty, she believes that it can be done.

Host your own National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day celebration and show people that there is beauty in all beings!

The story of Stinky the Bulldog
A loveable bulldog in a new neighborhood, Stinky is eager to make friends, but is quickly disappointed when kids crinkle their noses and run away; they don’t even know him! Packed with vibrant illustrations, “Stinky the Bulldog” (ISBN-13: 978-1420826975, AuthorHouse) is a touching story that teaches the value of people’s differences, and the wonders of true friendship.

“If we cherish our differences and learn to cooperate and reason with one another, our world will be a more profitable and peaceful place,” Valent said. “It’s a grande effort, but one that we can learn from our bulldog partners.”

More information on “Stinky the Bulldog”: and

[tags]National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day, author Jacalyn Valent, Stinky the Bulldog Enterprises, ISBN 9781420826975[/tags]