Synergy Diagnostic Lab

Servicing the commercial transit, Department of Defense, and FEMA

(NEW ORLEANS, La.) — NEWS: Synergy is pleased to announce its strategic partnership with recent Ernest N. Morial Small Business of the Year Award winner Airware. Airware is a minority certified business with a long track record of introducing innovation at the local, state and Federal government level.

Synergy was seeking a synergistic relationship with the Federal government to drive the most accurate testing available to support critical infrastructure and emergency response readiness. Airware found a unique way to position and contract with agencies seeking the best testing solutions to combat the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis. In partnership with Airware, Synergy is providing end-to-end solutions including testing, trace mapping and disinfection 30-day protection.

Airware invented the key analytics technology that assesses airline landed weight per month which allows airports to manage their business accuracy and real time certainty. Airware is once again working with Synergy to develop predictive analytics to provide Federal leaders with real-time COVID-19 status in a proprietary format that exceeds current standards and informs policy decisions.

Airware is a full-service Management Consulting firm providing consulting, transportation & logistics, information technology, and small business services to a wide variety of clients in both the private and public sectors. Airware is certified with the City of New Orleans, RTA, DOTD, New Orleans Aviation Board, Sewerage and Water Board, and the State of Louisiana Small Emerging Business-Hudson Initiative, PAUCP, NYNJ Port Authority, NC DOTD, City of NY, City of Atlanta, GADOTD, FDOT, ILDOTD and MSDOTD. Airware has Airware offices are located in New Orleans, Louisiana, Dallas, Atlanta, Georgia & Alexandria, VA. The firm’s founder is a native of New Orleans. He is holds degrees and certifications from Stanford and Loyola University.

Airware was founded October 11, 1994 with one employee. Airware has grown from one employee to its current staffing of fort-five (45) professional and support staff. The professional staff is led by Terry Williams, Managing Partner & key Principals with combined financial and business consulting experience of over 50 years.

Airware is organized into four operating groups: Consulting, Information Technology, Small Business Services and Construction management. Airware’s management team includes personnel from several “Big Four” CPA firms, as well as Fortune 500 companies in the disciplines of Financial Management and Information Technology. The depth of experience possessed by our management team provides the stability needed to assure that Airware consistently delivers quality services to all our clients. Airware’s significant experience ranges from financial analyses to Construction & Program Management (over 1 billion dollars managed in Capital Projects) as the following qualifications and experience suggests.

Ernest N. Morial Small Business of the Year Award

Ernest N. Morial was a civil rights activist and a political pioneer, whose accomplished career encompassed many firsts including the first black mayor of New Orleans in 1977, a position he held for two terms, and the first African American U.S. Attorney in Louisiana. He also created the first office of Economic Development to coordinate the city’s efforts to retain and attract business and the first minority business enterprise counselor to assist small and minority-owned businesses.

About Synergy Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.

SynergyDX is an FDA certified diagnostic laboratory providing the most accurate COVID-19 SARS non-invasive test in the world.

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