New company, vangilder | enrisk, to serve sixteen state region

DENVER, Colo. — Parent companies Van Gilder Insurance Corporation, of Denver, and EnRisk Services Inc. of Fort Worth, have created a new firm, vangilder | enrisk, which will specialize exclusively in risk mitigation and insurance for the energy industry in the western United States.

Michael Van Gilder, Chief Executive Officer of Van Gilder, and Chairman of vangilder | enrisk, said: “This new venture emerged from the mutual respect of two companies that have made a significant impact in their respective regions – not only within the insurance business, but in the highly specialized niche of risk management for oil and gas operators. By joining forces, we were able to create a new entity that combines high levels of specific expertise with a focused geographic presence.”

As specialists in the field, vangilder | enrisk will provide insurance and risk management services to the oil and gas industry – focusing on upstream exploration and production companies, and midstream operations. Risk mitigation counsel for alternative energy providers, such as wind farms, will also be a skill set within the new firm.

Caption: Michael Van Gilder (center), Chairman of vangilder | enrisk, is flanked by the company’s Chief Executive Officer, John B. Ludwig (right) and President, David B. Huett (left).

Senior leadership of the new venture will be the responsibility of Mr. Van Gilder as well as John B. Ludwig, Chief Executive Officer, and David B. Huett, President. Both Mr. Ludwig and Mr. Huett will also continue in their current leadership roles at EnRisk.

“We have a great story to tell, and we’re eager to tell it,” said Ludwig, a 23-year industry veteran. “The core message is that no one else in the industry offers the level of specialization and expertise our team brings to the energy insurance business. By joining forces with Van Gilder in the western United States, we can provide clients there with the same high levels of service and local presence they’ve come to expect from our firm. Our emphasis has always been on quantifying and balancing our clients’ exposures – not just selling insurance.”

David Huett – who has over 40 years of professional risk management and insurance brokerage experience – observed that the inherently risky business of oil and gas operations requires expertise and experience to be done right. “Our clients can rest assured that, regardless of their particular exposure or contractual requirement, we’re likely to have seen it before,” he said. “We have the special knowledge required to guide them through all the complexities of indemnity and insurance for the unique types of contracts the industry demands.”

vangilder | enrisk and its staff will be headquartered in Denver, and will serve a territory composed of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

About Van Gilder
Van Gilder Insurance Corporation was established in Denver in 1905 and is currently the largest privately owned insurance brokerage firm based in the city. From offices in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Dallas, Van Gilder provides a wide spectrum of risk consultation and insurance services for businesses, individuals, and families through its staff of more than 275 risk management professionals.

About EnRisk
Fort Worth based EnRisk Services was founded in 1976, and established a Houston presence in 2005. EnRisk has serviced hundreds of oil & gas companies throughout the United States, and internationally, and has achieved unprecedented levels of client loyalty. Today, EnRisk is recognized as one of the most technically competent energy insurance agencies in the world.

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[tags]CEO Michael Van Gilder, EnRisk Services Inc, Insurance for Energy Industry, Van Gilder Insurance[/tags]