U.S. Carbon Capture

(DALLAS, Texas) — NEWS: Jonathan Grammer, CEO of U.S. Carbon Capture, will present on the issue of Carbon Capture and Storage to Texas land and mineral rights owners November the 18th in Austin, Texas. The presentation will be part of the 7th Annual Land and Mineral Owner’s Symposium hosted by Austin law firm Graves, Dougherty, Hearon & Moody.

The State of Texas, through its oil and gas regulatory body the Texas Railroad Commission, continues to advance toward obtaining primacy from the Environmental Protection Agency for the permitting of Class VI Carbon Dioxide injection wells. This moves the State of Texas closer to a state wide and commercially viable deployment of carbon capture and sequestration.

Carbon capture and sequestration is a process that will be centered around deep saline formations underneath large land holdings in both south, west and north Texas and has the potential to provide not only long-term revenue for Texans but also create new and complex legal issues for Texas land and mineral owners.

Long term storage of carbon dioxide, pore space ownership, development of deep mineral rights beneath the storage zone, plume migration beyond lease boundaries and understanding the safety of carbon storage are all evolving subject areas affecting land and mineral owners in the State of Texas and upon which Grammer intends to continue to speak upon.

“The most crucial element of a good long-term storage project for carbon dioxide sequestration in Texas,” states Grammer, “will be identifying, and securing rights to, good subsurface geology. This will require large land positions in long term agreements in and around existing, and potential future, oil and gas production in Texas.”

LEARN MORE: http://www.gdhmoilandgas.com/#intro

About U.S. Carbon Capture:

U.S. Carbon Capture is a project development company whose services include up-front alternative design scenarios with defensible economic forecasts that aid their clients in selecting their best-fit scenario. Their designs and economic forecasts are created by targeted seasoned professionals in the disciplines of Land and Legal, Finance, Facilities Engineering, Production and Reservoir Engineering, Geology and Geophysics, and Government Contract Procurement.

Founded in 1946, Graves Dougherty was established on the principles of hiring great people, practicing first-class law and focusing on accomplishing clients’ goals. Today it is the firm’s tradition to serve its clients with excellence and enthusiasm that sets it apart as a leader in the field. As such, it is a leading law firm in the State of Texas for representation of land and mineral owners.

Website: https://www.us-ccs.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/u-s-carbon-capture

Related link: https://www.us-ccs.com/

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