President John F. Kennedy quoted the Irish statesman Edmund Burke when he said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Joshuacord, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is taking those words to heart by combating a widespread and devastating form of evil – the ruthless persecution of faithful Christians – by holding the fifth annual Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run at 8 a.m. on Nov. 18, 2017, to bring awareness to the plight of persecuted Christians and raise money to support the persecuted church.

Joshuacord Inc.

The documentary trailer – ‘Christians in the Mirror’ – will be released and distributed to all race participants at the Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run

(TAMPA, Fla.) — NEWS: President John F. Kennedy quoted the Irish statesman Edmund Burke when he said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Joshuacord, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is taking those words to heart by combatting a widespread and devastating form of evil – the ruthless persecution of faithful Christians – by holding the fifth annual Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run at 8 a.m. on Saturday, November 18, 2017, to bring awareness to the plight of persecuted Christians and raise money to support the persecuted church.

The Freedom Run will consist of a chipped 5K course for those interested in running/walking the full distance, a shorter 1 mile kid friendly fun run/walk, and an opportunity for supporters to participate virtually from anywhere in the world if unable to attend in person. The run will start and finish at Al Lopez Park: 4810 N. Himes Ave., Tampa, FL.

Organizers expect approximately 350 participants and stress that this family-friendly event is open to everyone – runners, walkers, and supporters. Participants can register online via or mail in a registration form which can be downloaded at: Additionally, there will be an opportunity to register in person on the morning of the run. All registrants, including those who participate virtually, will receive a race packet and a Dri-FIT race t-shirt in appreciation for their support of the persecuted church.

Early registration is $25 ($20 for active duty military) and will be open until November 10, 2017. After November 10 and up until the day of the run, registration will be $30 for all participants. Every dollar paid in registration fees will go directly to support the persecuted church. Additionally, there will be an opportunity to donate baby blankets, gloves, mittens, and hats, at the run. All donated items will be mailed directly to Christian refugees in the Middle East prior to the start of winter.

“The Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run was created to bring awareness to the ongoing plight of persecuted Christians,” says founder Patrick Carberry. “Our goal is to help those who are persecuted for their faith by raising awareness and providing support to Christians in the Middle East and Africa. We are an advocate for people persecuted by violent Islamic extremists and are working to inspire Christians across America to stand united with those who do not live under the same blanket of freedom. Our goal is to provide courage, prayers and hope to the Persecuted Church.”

In addition to the Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run, Joshuacord is working on a documentary that advocates for its Christian brothers and sisters. Joshuacord has teamed up with In Altum Productions, and film director, Jordan Allott, in an effort to promote solidarity and demonstrate support for those being persecuted for their Christian faith in northern Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan and other parts of the world.

The documentary trailer – “Christians in the Mirror” – will be released and distributed to all race participants at the Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run.

“The Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run gives all Christians an opportunity to show their support for fellow believers across the globe,” Carberry says. “It’s not just about religious freedom and the fight against terrorists. It’s also a human rights issue that requires action and prayer on our part for change. Someone once said, ‘Action does not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.’ In John 13:34, Jesus told us that we should live our lives by showing love for one another. He said, ‘a new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another.'”

Please join the Joshuacord team for the fifth annual Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run on November 18, in Tampa or as a Virtual Participant, and show your support for the Persecuted Church.


Event Flier:


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