ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The weight of the world falls upon all parentless children. That’s why Children Awaiting Parents, a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding adoptive families for children in foster care, reminds potential adopters that the challenging fiscal environment should not be a deterrent to adoption. “We understand that people are worried about the cost of adding one or more children to their home. That’s why it is so important for potential adopters to realize that adopting children from foster care is free and there are subsidies available to help support them until they are adults,” Mark Soule, Executive Director of Children Awaiting Parents, says. “There are enough victims of the current fiscal crisis; we cannot let these children be added to the list.”

In addition to a low- or no-cost adoption process, and the subsidy that children adopted from foster care are generally eligible for, there are health insurance programs, federal tax credits and college scholarships available for children adopted from foster care. Free resources are also available to support families and children after the adoption is complete.

“These children simply need the love and support of a family,” Soule adds. “We cannot allow a tough economy to be a barrier to placing children in loving homes of their own. There is support available and we can help people to access it.”

In 37 years, Children Awaiting Parents has brought together more than 6,000 children and families throughout the United States.

About Children Awaiting Parents

Children Awaiting Parents, Inc. (CAP) is a national, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. CAP is a founding member of The Adoption Exchange Association and Voice for Adoption. Both are coalitions of organizations and child welfare advocates addressing the urgent needs of waiting children throughout the United States.

Individuals interested in learning more about adopting from foster care should contact: Children Awaiting Parents at: 888-835-8802; or visit:

Send2Press(R) is the originating wire service for this story, Copr. 2009.

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