Florida RV rentalsFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. /Neotrope News Network/ — Florida RV rentals are approaching the highest levels since 2006, according to Florida based RV rental dealer Allstar Coaches (www.allstarcoaches.com). “Compared to the past few years, RV rentals across the board are way up and at the highest levels we’ve seen in quite some time,” said CEO Rob Tischler. Allstar Coaches is also reporting substantial increases in reservations for their California, New Jersey and Pennsylvania RV rentals. “We haven’t been this booked this early in the season since 2006,” says Tischler. To meet the high demand, Allstar Coaches is actively searching for additional rental units to increase their California, Pennsylvania and Florida RV rental fleets.

Allstar Coaches manages and rents a fleet of privately owned, luxury Class A motorhomes. RV owners place their vehicles into Allstar’s fleet program which is specifically designed to cover the costs of ownership. Depending on the particular model, RVs enrolled in the program can generate monthly incomes of up to $2-3000 or more for their owners. Active full time units are generally booking about 24-26 weeks per year. Allstar’s fleet program offers current and potential owners the ability to have their RVs pay for themselves and still capitalize on all the benefits of ownership.

RVers are also realizing the benefits of Allstar’s fleet program. Many new buyers purchasing their first RV have chosen to rent one first as it gives them a real insight as to what they can expect. Naturally they search for rental units which are most comparable to what they are looking to buy.

“Unlike other rental companies, we do not carry a generic, carbon copy fleet of base model RVs here. Every one of our coaches is privately owned and equipped with all the bells, whistles and options that are usually only available when purchasing,” says Tischler. The unique nature of Allstar’s program helps them to deliver a premium product and experience that is simply not available elsewhere. “It definitely allows our clients to get a true feel for the RV lifestyle and what it is like to own a coach of their own,” adds Tischler.

Allstar Coaches offers Florida RV rentals from its locations in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. With additional locations in California, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Allstar Coaches can deliver their RV rentals to virtually any doorstep in America.

For detailed pricing and information, call 866-838-4465 or visit Allstar Coaches online at www.allstarcoaches.com .

This story was issued by Send2Press Newswire (Send2Press.com) on behalf of the news source and is Copyright © 2010 Neotrope® News Network – all rights reserved.

Story References: Florida RV rentals, Florida based RV rental dealer, Allstar Coaches, rent luxury motorhome, CEO Rob Tischler, recreational vehicle, Class A motorhomes, California, New Jersey and Pennsylvania RV rental, luxury RV rentals from its locations in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach.