Metaversing Network

(CAMBRIDGE, U.K.) — NEWS: A new series of techniques and stratagems aimed at achieving a sustainable future for the Earth is being pioneered by researchers from groups like This is Zero Hour, Earth Guardians, and the Indigenous Environmental Network, as well as students from Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge, and Stanford. Called Metaversing, it differs from what is commonly known as the ‘Metaverse’ in that it starts from a serious consideration of what planet and people need most right now, rather than from considering future uses of technologies like AR and VR in and for themselves.

According to CTO Savannah Partridge, “We as a species need to use whatever methods are most capable of efficiently addressing issues like Climate Change, and we need to do it immediately.”

Throughout 2022 Zoom meetings have been held to address the UN’s 17 Agenda for Sustainability Goals using Mind mapping AI software including This program accesses 174 billion parameters derived from the Web, and when used by a trained group on a video call, incites brainstorms that can instigate fresh perspectives on current Sustainability issues.

Part of the program’s appeal is that it seeks to evoke several basic emotional motivations among Zoom call participants, which make the online brainstorms resemble a mental and emotional experience something like a classic Hero’s Journey. “Between 200,000 and 50,000 years ago, our ancestors roamed across the African savannahs in small bands. Each tribal member probably was called upon daily to contribute efforts towards solving serious problems faced by the group, including finding food and water, dealing with illness, and avoiding predation.

“Our Metaversing groups seem to duplicate the spirit of these ancient peoples, in that every Zoom call participant has an equal opportunity to suggest, develop, and refine solutions using the AI software,” says Metaversing’s Partnerships Director Soani Gunawan. “During most sessions we actively invoke affect-driven motivational experiences like laughter, compassion, friendly competition, gratitude, awe, curiosity, crowdsourced experiments, and communal teamwork to enhance the Mind Mapping. This leads to more effective solution-finding, and makes the process more fulfilling for all.”

Because Metaversing posits that saving Earth from existential crises like Climate Change requires motivations tailored to every basic human need, it sees environmental improvement and personal growth as both equal in importance and interdependent. “The things we can do to effect a sustainable future can be personally rewarding, growth-inducing, and even fun” says the group’s Education coordinator John Toomey. Eventually the group plans to host hundreds of online brainstorming sessions all over the world.

Successful projects created by participants are eligible to win Metaversing’s Hero Award, conferred upon those who develop the best solutions for one of the UN’s Sustainability Goals. Their prize consists of carbon credits obtained from providers including and

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