NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Phylius Press, publisher of the leading book on how to qualify for nursing home Medicaid coverage (, has announced a new affiliation with author Thomas Day of the National Care Planning Council. Mr. Day has contributed two new chapters on veterans benefits for nursing home residents to the recently published third edition (2009) of Phylius Press’s flagship book, “How to Protect Your Family’s Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets,” (Phylius Press, ISBN 9780979080142) by attorney K. Gabriel Heiser.

“We are thrilled to be associated with Mr. Day, who is a well-known author on veterans’ benefits as well as the Director and chief spokesman for the National Care Planning Council,” said company president and author K. Gabriel Heiser.

Mr. Day added, “I was happy to contribute the two new chapters to “Medicaid Secrets,” as I knew the high quality of the book. There are very few books that spell out all the current planning techniques for someone needing long-term care, in a detailed yet easy-to-understand manner. That’s why we’re using it as part of our Veterans Benefits Consultant packages.”

According to the National Care Planning Council, approximately 11.5 million seniors — about 33 percent of all people in the U.S. over age 65 — could qualify for a Veterans Administration (VA) Pension or Death Pension by meeting the tests outlined in the new chapters. That’s how many war veterans or their surviving spouses there are in this country. Unfortunately, fewer than 5 percent of those eligible for this benefit are actually receiving it. A thorough understanding of these rules — and related planning opportunities — will help position the veteran or his or her spouse to qualify for these important federal benefits.

Of course, not just veterans need help with these complex rules. As indicated by the Long-Term Care Financing Project of Georgetown University, few of the elderly have the ability to pay for their own long-term care needs over a period that can extend for many years. As a result, such planning is taking on increasing importance for more and more baby boomers and their parents.

In addition to the two new chapters on veterans’ benefits, the 2009 edition of “Medicaid Secrets” has been completely revised and expanded with over 400 text changes made for improved readability, as well as updated throughout with all the 2009 federal financial figures.

“How to Protect Your Family’s Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets” also includes tips on: how to title your home so you do not lose it to the state; how to make transfers to family members that won’t disqualify you from Medicaid; how annuities make assets “disappear”; smart tricks for “spending down” your assets; what to change in your will to save thousands of dollars if your spouse ever needs nursing home care; and much more.

About Phylius Press

Established in 2004, the company is an outgrowth of the elder law practice of attorney K. Gabriel Heiser. The company exclusively publishes self-help legal books. For more information on the book “How to Protect Your Family’s Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets,” visit: or call 1-888-224-5988.

For more information on the National Care Planning Council, visit

Send2Press(R) is the originating wire service for this story, Copr. 2009.

[tags]veterans nursing home benefits, Medicaid Secrets, Phylius Press[/tags]