ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns

Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns
Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

The Huckster – When such a flim-flam man runs for president, the whole country should be alarmed

OPINION: In literature and the movies, there is a romantic haze surrounding the silver-tongued con man but the reality is grittier: the bilker filches money from the innocent or unwary. When such a flim-flam man runs for president, the whole country should be alarmed. Meet Mike Huckster.
Little Marco Rubio

Little Marco Rubio Gets Advice from America’s Teachers

OPINION (by John Scott G): Professional know-nothing Marco Rubio is attractive to people of impaired cognitive reasoning but everyone else recognizes he is unfit for public office. In a surprising turn of events, teachers across America offer helpful advice on behalf of his joke candidacy for president.
Rand Paul 2016

Rand Paul: Deceitful and Deluded or Full-on Crazy? Welcome to the GOP Clown Car Cavalcade

OPINION: When rightwing radical Rand Paul added his name to the GOP clown car cavalcade of presidential candidates, racists everywhere rejoiced. But psychiatric experts are worried that Paul's behavior indicates mental instability.

Ted Cruz: BUZZZZZ! WRONG! New Computerized Breakthrough May Be His Noisy Undoing

OPINION: (satire) Ted Cruz, short on intellect but long on hatred, seeks to pocket as much money as possible from a failed run for the presidential nomination of the USA's Taliban Party. But a new computerized breakthrough may be his noisy undoing.
Ted Cruz Campaign Slogans

Ted Cruz Campaign Slogans: Fateful and Frightful Words for a Hashtag Nation

OPINION: Senator Shutdown (A.K.A. Ted Cruz) announced his campaign for the U.S. Taliban Party nomination and there has been an explosion of helpful suggestions on the Internet. FOAD is, of course, the most prevalent. But many others are hilarious.
Dumbing-Down of Jeb Bush

The Coming Dumbing-Down of Jeb Bush

OPINION: Jeb Bush, a millionaire with a rich kid's typical anti-humane views, wants to be the American Taliban party candidate for president. To do so, he must win primary votes from a huge gaggle of stupid people. Two GOP insiders show Jeb what he must do to properly 'stupidize' his already odious views.

Mexico’s ‘UN Compassion Week’ Oceandance inspires Whale Miracle

OPINION: On Christmas Eve my neighbor, Betty Miramontes of Puerto Vallarta’s Business Association, told me about a Humpback that got entangled in fish nets and couldn’t be saved. She said they needed help getting the word out how to better protect our beloved whales in beautiful Banderas Bay.
GOP Presidential Campaign Slogans 2015

GOP Presidential Campaign Slogans

OPINION: The clown car carnival is upon us! Yes, the brigade of braggarts hoping for the GOP presidential nomination is swarming across the country (or at least the states with Republican primaries). It appears that many of the buffoons have not yet formulated their campaign slogans. We’re here to help.

Sincerely-Held Beliefs: Religiosity is an odious mistake of candidates from both major political parties

OPINION: Religiosity is an odious mistake of candidates from both major political parties but is especially prevalent among members of the rightwing nutjob cabal. But the religious behave in the same manner as radical extremists by claiming extra-special rights for 'sincerely-held beliefs.' If they want to play by those rules, let's look at my sincerely-held beliefs.

IMAGINE: Earthrising in 2015 Through Love Songs!

EARTHRISING is a Series on How we can lift each other up higher and higher through harnessing our Imagination, Ancient Tribal Wisdom, Green Technology & Heart...