Fort Recovery Local Schools expects to save more than $30,000 a year by partnering with Energy Optimizers, USA, to make energy efficiency improvements to its buildings. The district will retrofit all interior lighting with LED systems, replace its boilers and boiler controls with state-of-the-art energy efficient equipment, and make energy-saving enhancements to its kitchens and transportation garage.

Energy Optimizers USA

Energy Optimizers, USA, will provide funding to launch the Energy Education and Awareness Program

(TIPP CITY, Ohio) — NEWS: Fort Recovery Local Schools expects to save more than $30,000 a year by partnering with Energy Optimizers, USA, to make energy efficiency improvements to its buildings.

The district will retrofit all interior lighting with LED systems, replace its boilers and boiler controls with state-of-the-art energy efficient equipment, and make energy-saving enhancements to its kitchens and transportation garage. The energy savings attained will be equivalent to preserving 81 acres of trees or removing 53 cars from the road.

“Our mission calls for us to create a culture of collective responsibility, and this project lives up to that expectation,” said Superintendent Justin Firks. “We are acting on the trust our community has placed in us to invest taxpayer dollars wisely, while at the same time doing our part to conserve energy resources for future generations.”

The LED lighting will offer a substantial payback to the district in terms of both operating and maintenance costs. LED lighting uses an average of 60 percent less energy than the systems being replaced. LEDs can last up to 20 years, which translates into a measurable reduction in maintenance and equipment costs.

LED lighting also offers a quality of light that is very close to natural sunlight, which creates a more comfortable environment for reading. And because it does not have the hum and flicker associated with fluorescent lighting, it is an ideal lighting system for special needs classrooms.

The majority of the work will be funded through the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission’s House Bill 264 program, enabling the district to make these cost-cutting improvements at no expense to taxpayers while ensuring the guaranteed savings of the project are met or exceeded.

“This project is a win-win for the district, the community, but most of all, for the students,” said Greg Smith, president of Energy Optimizers, USA. “The district will be able to divert funding from its utility bills to student programs. Students will benefit from improved lighting in their classrooms. And, through our Energy Education and Awareness Program, teachers will have a model with which to educate students about up-and-coming careers in the STEM field.”

Energy Optimizers, USA, will provide funding to launch the Energy Education and Awareness Program. The program involves students, staff and the community in developing, promoting and implementing numerous energy savings and sustainability programs throughout the district – such as recycling, creating a district-wide energy management program and integrating educational materials into the classrooms that will assist the teachers in educating the students on energy and the environment – while being aligned with state testing standards.

About Energy Optimizers, USA:

Energy Optimizers, USA works with educational, governmental, commercial and industrial customers to implement energy savings opportunities to reduce operational costs, including lighting retrofits, renewable energy projects (wind and solar), HVAC retrofit projects, building automation retrofits and energy education programs. The company was named to the INC. Magazine Top 500 list of fastest growing companies in the U.S. (2014), was named the Fastest Growing Company in the region for two consecutive years by the Dayton Business Journal (2013, 2014), and was named a finalist in the Dayton Business Journal Best Places To Work competition in 2016.

To learn more about Energy Optimizers, USA, visit their website at or call them at (937) 877-1919.

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