ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns

Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns
Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff
Opinion: The Seven Pillars of Perfidy

Opinion: The Seven Pillars of Perfidy

OPINION: The seven core positions of conservatives pose a very real threat to democracy in the United States. You have undoubtedly noticed some of their more onerous activities, but it might be instructive to examine their seven subversive doctrines all at once. Hold your nose and let's start wading through the muck of the Seven Pillars of Perfidy.

Super Bowl and First Ladies Inspire Solutions to Greatly Reduce Hunger

eNewsChannels COLUMN: Hail to the National Football League (NFL) for compassionately hosting “Super Bowl Parties with a Purpose” this year through their “Taste of the NFL” and “Kick Hunger Challenge” to valiantly assist food banks in every NFL city.

Opinion: Fake News Channel Holds Trumpublican Party Debate

OPINION: Republican debates 2015 -- Ten leading contenders for the republican presidential nomination took part in a Fox Faux News Channel debate that provided a disturbing view of the turmoil within the party of stupid. Once again, we enlisted the help of two former GOP flacks to comment on the creepy statements of the rightwing nutjob clowns.

2012 U.S. Budget Priorities: Funding Nuclear Energy and Bombs vs. Dire Community Needs

eNewsChannels COLUMN: On March 18 the "Japanese nuclear reactor chief WEPT as he finally admitted that their radiation leak is serious enough to kill...
Senator Jeffords

Opinion: Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords’ gift to a Mercury-Free America!

OPINION: Senator Jim Jeffords, my fellow Rutland Vermont skier, just passed on at 80, but his heroic contributions live on, including one that has been virtually a secret. With the help of EIGHT Native American leaders, he helped reduce U.S. dental mercury by 48%, which has spread to 105 countries.

Emergency 'Call to Action to Protect Earth' by UN, Pope, Scientists and Indigenous

eNewsChannels COLUMN:Following Bolivia's passage of their domestic law "Recognizing Mother Earth as a living entity and giving Her the Same Rights as Humans," the...

Feminists Declare All-Out War On Men

COLUMN: The combat objective for feminists is to marginalize and bring all men to irrelevance and obsolescence, and they're winning! Men are wimping out,...
Like Trump Speaks

Opinion: If a Columnist Wrote Like Trump Speaks

OPINION: Bombastic, braggadocio, bloviating, blaring, blatant, bombastic, repetitious, unconnected thoughts, no thought, errors of syntax, incomplete sentences that sometimes-- And in many other ways, terrifically outstanding is the speechifying of Donald J. Trump. It's the best, believe me. The best. So what would happen if I wrote a column like that?
Massive Media Fail

Opinion: Massive Media Fail Helps GOP While Harming USA

OPINION: We are witnessing a media meltdown in the wretched coverage of the 2016 presidential race. Substance and policy positions are ignored in favor of demagoguery, bombast, stunts, and stupidity -- and America is the worse for it.

Could World Prayer Help Protect Sochi Olympics?

OPINION: The Olympics has been the greatest force for Peace, Understanding, Healing, and Unity for over 1000 years in Ancient times and 100 years in Modern times.  Given that Olympic heroes have inspired countless youth to be happily healthy, productive, brilliant and generous, we hope you will take a moment to join this world prayer for “The Joy and Safety of the Sochi Olympics,” heartened by how it has worked for the last five Olympics.