eNewsChannels: Texas voters

NEWS: Dr. Mark A. Miller has published “Oil & Gas and the Texas Railroad Commission: Lessons for Regulating a Free Society” (ISBN: 978-1518810398), a new book that examines the complexities and impact of the regulatory actions of the Texas Railroad Commission on matters related to the oil and gas industry.

“Aside from the cowboy, nothing is more iconic to Texas than pump jacks and oil derricks,” said author Mark Miller. “Yet fewer than five percent of Texas voters are aware that for a hundred years, the Texas Railroad Commission has been the primary regulator of the State’s oil and gas industry. The workings of this important agency, with its misleading name, manage to escape widespread public attention.”

The book was written to equip voters with a better understanding of matters related to an industry vital to the Texas economy. “With greater insight into the State agency tasked with protecting property rights, public safety, and the environment, Texas voters will likely pay closer attention to what their Commissioners are doing,” said Miller, “and hold them accountable to their responsibilities.”

Readers of the book will find general information on oil and gas, as well as more detailed information on production methods such as fracking. Dr. Miller also outlines his recommendations for changing regulatory policy and the Texas Railroad Commission.

“In order to serve all Texans, the Commission should move to become a better protector of the rights of surface owners, commercial entities, and mineral owners,” said Miller. “In the book, I stress that public trust can only be ensured by a more transparent Commission and by abolishing the Commission’s role as an oil and gas industry champion. I suggest reforms that include limiting the Commission’s purview to critical activities and creating a sunset review policy for rules and regulations.”

About Mark Miller:

Dr. Mark Miller has enjoyed a long and varied career in the oil and gas industry – petroleum engineer, University of Texas faculty member, worldwide petroleum engineering consultant, and small business owner. He is currently retired and does occasional consulting. Mark was the 2014 Libertarian Party nominee for Texas Railroad Commissioner and is running again in 2016. More information: http://www.miller4tx.com/.

Twitter: @miller4tx

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