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GOP Joke Candidates for President – Running on Empty for 2016

OPINION: From Gracie Allen and Will Rogers to Harold Stassen and Ron Paul, the joke candidate for president is a fine tradition in the USA. Carrying the ritual forward are the many entries in the GOP's 2016 clown car cavalcade. People may cringe at the likes of Jindal, Perry, and Carson, but comedians and comedy-writers are giving thanks.

Rick Santorum: Frothy Mixture of Sophistry and Stupidity

OPINION: With a deficit of intellect and a surfeit of bile, Rick Santorum is scrambling to find enough numbskulls to bankroll another failed run for the presidential nomination of the American Taliban Party. If it weren't for the entertainment value of his snide and sniggering superciliousness, Santorum's main qualification would be that he's a killjoy.
Seedpod Pet of the Koch Brothers

Is Scott Walker the Poisonous Seedpod Pet of the Koch Brothers?

OPINION: Scott Walker, rightwing nutjob governor of the state of Wisconsin, remains in office due to the prodigious amounts of money poured into his campaigns by Charles and David Koch, rightwing nutjob residents of the state of denial, I mean Kansas.

The Huckster – When such a flim-flam man runs for president, the whole country should be alarmed

OPINION: In literature and the movies, there is a romantic haze surrounding the silver-tongued con man but the reality is grittier: the bilker filches money from the innocent or unwary. When such a flim-flam man runs for president, the whole country should be alarmed. Meet Mike Huckster.
Little Marco Rubio

Little Marco Rubio Gets Advice from America’s Teachers

OPINION (by John Scott G): Professional know-nothing Marco Rubio is attractive to people of impaired cognitive reasoning but everyone else recognizes he is unfit for public office. In a surprising turn of events, teachers across America offer helpful advice on behalf of his joke candidacy for president.
Rand Paul 2016

Rand Paul: Deceitful and Deluded or Full-on Crazy? Welcome to the GOP Clown Car Cavalcade

OPINION: When rightwing radical Rand Paul added his name to the GOP clown car cavalcade of presidential candidates, racists everywhere rejoiced. But psychiatric experts are worried that Paul's behavior indicates mental instability.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 24 – Cheating Death in Cars, 1

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 24: Cheating Death in Cars, 1. As soon as I was legally able to drive, the Southern California freeway system became a total delight. In my car, I was free! Put on some music and head on over to any part of the city at any time of the day or night. Pure joy!
John Scott G

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 1 – Your Place in the Universe

BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G. Chapter 1 Your Place in the Universe. Much like you, I came into this world unable to type. That skill was acquired later, allowing me to take part in the highly-paid 'word nerd' thing enjoyed by swanky novelists, playwrights, poets, bloggers, and writers of auto dealership advertising.