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Trump Pledges to Take Over

Opinion: Trump Pledges to Take Over the Republican Party

OPINION: Donald Trump is a living, breathing paradox: he is a smart and savvy performance artist who's also a moronic and offensive racist. But being a bigoted buffoon is highly prized among Conservatives so he will lead the polls until the GOP splits into two parties, GOPdumb and GOPdumber.
Like Trump Speaks

Opinion: If a Columnist Wrote Like Trump Speaks

OPINION: Bombastic, braggadocio, bloviating, blaring, blatant, bombastic, repetitious, unconnected thoughts, no thought, errors of syntax, incomplete sentences that sometimes-- And in many other ways, terrifically outstanding is the speechifying of Donald J. Trump. It's the best, believe me. The best. So what would happen if I wrote a column like that?

Opinion: Fake News Channel Holds Trumpublican Party Debate

OPINION: Republican debates 2015 -- Ten leading contenders for the republican presidential nomination took part in a Fox Faux News Channel debate that provided a disturbing view of the turmoil within the party of stupid. Once again, we enlisted the help of two former GOP flacks to comment on the creepy statements of the rightwing nutjob clowns.
GOP Kiddie Kar Karnival

Opinion: GOP Kiddie Kar Karnival – Mr. Trump, see a VP you like?

OPINION: GOP DEBATE 2015: In afternoon and evening events for the GOP presidential candidates, seventeen anti-Americans bloviated their filth and bile on nationwide TV. The alcohol started flowing during the hour-long “race for the VP nomination.”

Opinion: Saying Buh-Bye to Dick ‘Dick’ Cheney

OPINION (satire): Let us all give thanks for the passing of unindicted war criminal Richard "Dick" Cheney. Remember: no tears need to be shed when something so vile ceases to exist, so let's all celebrate his departure from this mortal dimension.

Ready to Settle for Hillary: Is it Time for a Pantsuit President?

OPINION: Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy has to overcome many obstacles. In addition to battling the right-wing nut-jobs in the Treason Party, there are also challenges from progressive people. And then, of course, there's the matter of gender.
Scalia: An Eternity of Torment

Opinion: Antonin Scalia: An Eternity of Torment

Note: Hold off on your rejoicing: Antonin Scalia is still alive. But since he is obviously brain-dead, we present this pre-eulogy. No moment of silence...

USA’s To-Do List – Serious Problems Haunt America

OPINION: Americans are fond of claiming that ours is the greatest country on earth. Yet when measuring quality-of-life, education, healthcare, voting rights, equality, and so much more, we aren't even in the top ten nations. So what needs to be done? Plenty.
Global Celebrations of Solstice

Global Celebrations of Solstice This June 21, 2015

OPINION: From the Big Apple to Mexico’s Puerto Vallarta, people are understanding the importance of giving gratitude to Mother Earth on the Solstice for all Her gifts, like the gentle rains and snows. And multi-cultural groups around the world are hosting an unprecedented number of ceremonies this June 21st.

Show Some Left-Love: Campaigning for president is torturous slog through fiery burrow of abuse and speculation

OPINION: Campaigning for president is a protracted and torturous slog through a fiery burrow of abuse, attacks, speculation, condemnation, vituperation, ignominy, pettiness, lies, false accusations, and humiliation. Bad stuff happens, too.