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eNewsChannels Story Index

Story Index

Story Index
eNewsChannels Story Index
Did an Oceandance

Did an Oceandance Turn Puerto Vallarta’s Bay Turquoise?

OPINION: People are buzzing how Puerto Vallarta’s Banderas Bay is a splendid turquoise, especially on sunny cloudless calm days. “This is the most turquoise I have seen in the bay in 15 years,” said iconic fisherman Phil Kerr. Could it be from the unprecedented friendly luminescent blue jellyfish that came here and ate up toxins following our Azteca-Cherokee-led oceandance at Los Muertos Pier on December 12?
GOP Daesh flag 2016

Opinion: How the GOP is Helping Terrorists

OPINION: There are terms that strike fear into the hearts of decent people. Among these terms are ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Islamic State, and GOP. Here's how they are connected.
Suzy Dancers

Tribes of Americas Oceandance in Mexico in Gratitude for Paris and to Heal Oceans after 337 Whales Died

OPINION: On December 12, the Azteca, Cherokee and Apaches in Puerto Vallarta joyously led an oceandance on Los Muertos pier in gratitude for humanity’s Paris victories: 200 UN countries signing an accord toward saving Earth for the Children by limiting global warming.

Opinion: GOP New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

OPINION: Everyone makes New Year's resolutions but nobody keeps them for more than a couple of days. Or twenty-four hours. Or twelve seconds. But it's good to try so let's have a go at it in this special column just for people most in need of a moral imperative: Conservatards.
GOP Christmas Gifts

Opinion: GOP Christmas Gifts

OPINION: Ho, ho, ho, and a very merry non-denominational celebration of Saturnalia to you! (Note: the traditional name of the giftageddon that takes place during the winter solstice has been changed to reflect the author's self-proclaimed status as an honorary colonel in the War on Christmas.)
Massive Media Fail

Opinion: Massive Media Fail Helps GOP While Harming USA

OPINION: We are witnessing a media meltdown in the wretched coverage of the 2016 presidential race. Substance and policy positions are ignored in favor of demagoguery, bombast, stunts, and stupidity -- and America is the worse for it.

Opinion: Fake News Channel Holds Trumpublican Party Debate

OPINION: Republican debates 2015 -- Ten leading contenders for the republican presidential nomination took part in a Fox Faux News Channel debate that provided a disturbing view of the turmoil within the party of stupid. Once again, we enlisted the help of two former GOP flacks to comment on the creepy statements of the rightwing nutjob clowns.
GOP Kiddie Kar Karnival

Opinion: GOP Kiddie Kar Karnival – Mr. Trump, see a VP you like?

OPINION: GOP DEBATE 2015: In afternoon and evening events for the GOP presidential candidates, seventeen anti-Americans bloviated their filth and bile on nationwide TV. The alcohol started flowing during the hour-long “race for the VP nomination.”

Opinion: Saying Buh-Bye to Dick ‘Dick’ Cheney

OPINION (satire): Let us all give thanks for the passing of unindicted war criminal Richard "Dick" Cheney. Remember: no tears need to be shed when something so vile ceases to exist, so let's all celebrate his departure from this mortal dimension.

Ready to Settle for Hillary: Is it Time for a Pantsuit President?

OPINION: Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy has to overcome many obstacles. In addition to battling the right-wing nut-jobs in the Treason Party, there are also challenges from progressive people. And then, of course, there's the matter of gender.