ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns

Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns
Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

Ideas on Ice: Questionable Answers

Scott G, writer and composerCOLUMN: The Q&A format is a time-honored way to promote dialog and discourse, but as Scott G points out, some questions can lead to answers that start an argument, a brawl, or even a war.
Author John Scott G - 2011

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 33 – Professor G

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: "Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online," written and lived by John Scott G. Chapter 33 - "Professor G." That chapter heading is a lie....
Senator Jeffords

Opinion: Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords’ gift to a Mercury-Free America!

OPINION: Senator Jim Jeffords, my fellow Rutland Vermont skier, just passed on at 80, but his heroic contributions live on, including one that has been virtually a secret. With the help of EIGHT Native American leaders, he helped reduce U.S. dental mercury by 48%, which has spread to 105 countries.

Ideas on Ice: An Actor for President

BILL IN '08COLUMN: The country was nearly bankrupt the last time America put an actor in the White House, but Scott G explores some of the reasons why voters should consider trying it again.
Space Chronicles

Out There: Book review of 'Space Chronicles' by Neil deGrasse Tyson

BOOK REVIEW: How much humor do you expect from an astrophysicist? How much passion? What should be the ratio of fact to fancy in the essays of a scientist? With Neil deGrasse Tyson, you get an enjoyable mixture of levity and reality on a subject that might hold the key to your future.

Super Bowl and First Ladies Inspire Solutions to Greatly Reduce Hunger

eNewsChannels COLUMN: Hail to the National Football League (NFL) for compassionately hosting “Super Bowl Parties with a Purpose” this year through their “Taste of the NFL” and “Kick Hunger Challenge” to valiantly assist food banks in every NFL city.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 39 – Hits

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: "Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online," written and lived by John Scott G: Chapter 39 - "Hits." As a distraction from my...

Garrison's World: The Pope, Roman Catholicism and the Father of all Blunders

John C. Garrison, authorCOLUMN: The recent trip of Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XVI to Turkey, with all the surrounding controversy that the event managed to generate, brought to the center of attention some of the most pivotal issues of history that have shaped and are shaping our Western world. Based on the fact that the Pope's trip to Turkey represented a rare journey by a Pope to a Muslim country, the issue of Islam and the West seemed to have received the greatest interest.
Opinion: h8 gop

Opinion: Is Conservatism Infectious?

OPINION: Sixty million people voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 race for President of the United States and since that candidate was one of the least-qualified in modern history it should be obvious that the ranks of conservative voters are huge. And yes, "rank" would be the operative word.

Garrison's World: On Goddess Worship, Radical Feminism and God as Dominant Male

COLUMN: It should not come as a surprise to anyone who has been following my articles in this site that I have consistently referred...