ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns

Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff

ARTICLES and Columns

ARTICLES and Columns
Feature Articles, including Opinion and Commentary Columns by our Editorial Staff
GOP Outfitters

Opinion: GOP Outfitters

OPINION: Are you running for public office in a district full of incredibly dim-witted people? Hello republican candidates! Worried about attracting a large number of moron voters? Not to worry, GOP Outfitters is ready to serve you.

Life with the new iPad Wi-Fi+3G — My First Weekend in Love

COLUMN: I pre-ordered my new Apple iPad 64GB Wi-Fi + 3G, and so it arrived Friday afternoon. But, being busy, this morning (Saturday) was...

Book Review: 'Drift' by Rachel Maddow

eNewsChannels COLUMN: Wisdom and wit make a devastating combination, which is why The Rachel Maddow Show is steadily charming its way into the hearts...
Danielle Pelham - credit: (c) Elaine Pelham

London Olympics Can Help Us Win the Race to Save our Civilization

eNewsChannels COLUMN: While world leaders dropped the ball at June’s RIO+20 Earth Summit to getting us on the road to a sustainable future, We...

Jim Thorpe's Sons Bolster Native American Olympic Dream

COLUMN: Heart-warming steps toward realizing a dream of creating a Native American Olympic Team were made at Oklahoma's City's "American Indian Sovereignty Symposium" on...
Ted Cruz Campaign Slogans

Ted Cruz Campaign Slogans: Fateful and Frightful Words for a Hashtag Nation

OPINION: Senator Shutdown (A.K.A. Ted Cruz) announced his campaign for the U.S. Taliban Party nomination and there has been an explosion of helpful suggestions on the Internet. FOAD is, of course, the most prevalent. But many others are hilarious.

Secret Sex – A Book Alive Online: Chapter 15 – Switch On, Switch Off

eNewsChannels BOOK SERIAL: 'Secret Sex, A Book Alive Online,' written and lived by John Scott G - Chapter 15: Switch On, Switch Off. Having access to the high school auditorium public address system proved to be quite beneficial for the drama students. We attached a switch to the snipped wires so we could use the P.A. when we needed it for play production.
The W Death Watch Doll

Opinion: The W Death Watch Doll

OPINION: Note to the Secret Service: This column in no way calls for any harm to come to the 43rd POTUS. It's just that there is a monetary gain that will accrue to some of us upon his demise and so, well, we're interested in his health, that's all. A long time ago on a planet very similar to ours, two friends had a practice of giving each other bad Christmas presents. It was a contest of sorts in which the winner was whoever could find the most outrageously awful gift ...

Mayor Bloomberg and Mex President Pena Nieto Help N. Americans Win Battle of the Bulge

OPINION: After Mexico became No. 1 in obesity and diabetes in June, their new President Pena Nieto surprisingly recommended as a solution the no-carb herbal sweetener stevia discovered by the South American tribes. And while soda lovers criticized Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign to reduce the size of sodas, most fit Americans and Mexicans cheered on their bold interventions.

Emergency 'Call to Action to Protect Earth' by UN, Pope, Scientists and Indigenous

eNewsChannels COLUMN:Following Bolivia's passage of their domestic law "Recognizing Mother Earth as a living entity and giving Her the Same Rights as Humans," the...